WSIC- Taking a break

Well, the newspaper search was very tedious and right now I am Washington Sanitary Improvement Companied out.

There is more to explore.

I was telling a friend who doesn’t live in the DC metro area about this project and about the WSIC. It started as an experiment in housing, mixing charity with capitalism. She asked if WSIC achieved their goals. Answering that question is something I’d like to take a stab at. Unfortunately, the answer would involve other areas of the city that I am less knowledgeable about.

So I’ll get back to it. If I don’t remind me would you?

I’m also going to slow down on posting on the blog. I want to garden, do stuff with the family, yadda, yadda. Blogging and researching are great when it is cold and horrid outside. I’ll probably ramp up when it is too hot and sticky and buggy to go outside.

1930 Black Home Owners of Truxton Circle: Robert B. Davis- 1608 1st St NW

Robert Bernard Davis was born in Amherst County, VA to George and Emeline Davis in either 1873 or 1869. He married Nannie Virginia King in that same county on May 23, 1900. They lived in Amherst Co. with their growing family (8 children) until at some point when they moved to DC and wound up at 1608 1st St NW in 1930.

The 1930 census is where we first encounter the Davis family. Robert Davis was an African American hotel janitor. Previously in Amherst he was a laborer in the coal industry. By 1930 he was 58 years old, his wife, Nannie was 54. They lived with their 3 adult children, 2 minor children and eight lodgers. Their adult sons, 29 year old John J. and 24 year old King Davis worked as cooks at a cafe. Their 18 year old daughter, Geneva, 16 year old son Robert and 14 year old George King were unemployed. Also in the house was Robert’s brother Nashville King who worked as a laborer for the railroad.

In June of 1926 Robert Davis obtained 1608 First Street NW (0551/0201) from Emma Johnson. He and Nannie borrowed $4500 from Hane & Hill; $3000 from Crittenden & Hill; $1349.26 from trustees King & Smith within a few days of becoming owners of 1608.

Robert cleared three debts from previous owners in 1926.

They didn’t stay long. There is a trustee’s deed from September 1935 for the $4500 debt. The property was auctioned and the Rohrback family ( at least 6 named individuals) were the new owners. They transferred (sold?) it in 1936 to Etta B. and Isaiah Liseby.

Looking at the 1940 census the Davis family had moved to and were owners of 1524 Washington Place NE. It’s over where the Rhode Island DMV is, over there by the world’s worst Home Depot. By then Nannie had died (2/18/1931) and Robert B. was living with his son Robert, daughter in law and grandson.

WSIC-Newspaper Search part 5

This is a continuation of parts 1, 2& 3. I search the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America site for newspaper articles about the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) and Truxton Circle. I lost the data I had for auctions and decided to stop including them because they were too much work.

For Rent- Flats–  Evening star. [volume], November 17, 1897, Page 12,; The evening times. [volume], November 25, 1897, Page 3. The times. [volume], November 26, 1897, Page 3.  “FOR RENT Sanitary Flats for white tenants only; Bates St., between P and Q, N. Capitol and 1st sts. nw.; 3-4 rooms; baths; cellar; separate entrance and yards; modern improvements; price, $10 to $12.50; erected by WASHINGTON SANITARY IMPROVEMENT Co. office 1819 Q st. nw. 8-9 a.m 12-1:30.4-7 p.m.”

Improved Alley Dwellings- Project of Sanitary Company Placed Before CommissionersEvening star. [volume], June 07, 1898. “Ex-District Commissioner George Truesdell and Mr. George L. Andrews of the board of directors of Washington Sanitary Improvement Company had a conference with the District Commissioners yesterday for the purpose of enlisting the support of the Commissioners In the work of the company, and particularly to ask them to direct the improvement, at the rst [sic] opportunity, of Bates street between 1st and North Capitol and P and Q streets. The object of the company is to supply to wage-earners improved, wholesome houses at reasonable rents, not in any special locality, however, although until the principal inhabited alleys in the city shall have been converted into minor streets, a measure which the
company advocates in the interest of public health and morals, the dwellings erected by the company will be located upon established streets and avenues.
Two blocks of two-story brick apartment houses have been erected by the company on Bates street, there being sixteen buildings and thirty-two apartments In the two blocks, one of which is already occupied and the other block will be completed and occupied some time this month.
Four of the completed, houses contain apartments of four rooms each, with three large closets, and four have apartments of three rooms each; with two large closets, each apartment being provided with the best sanitary fixtures and with hot and cold water, together with a good range and 30-gallon boiler. These apartments were occupied as soon as completed last fall and the demand for them is now far In excess of the supply.
All this was told the Commissioners by Messrs. Truesdell and Andrews, who stated that the company, which is composed of people here of prominence in charitable matters, has no money-making purpose in view, but merely to supply houses of convenience and of the best sanitary arrangements to wage earners and thereby not only improve the health, but also the morals of the city, in that way setting an example which may be followed by owners of alley houses. Bates street in front of the buildings is in need of improvement, and the Commissioners were asked to put it at the head of the new streets to be improved.
The Commissioners expressed great gratification with the report made to them, remarking that in view, of the public character of the work of the company it is deserving of support. They stated that they will be very glad to have the improvements made at the first opportunity.”

Municipal BrevitiesThe times. [volume], October 04, 1898, Page 5.  The DC Commissioners refused a request to plant trees on Bates Street.

Building Permits IssuedEvening star. [volume], August 03, 1901, Page 2. “Washington Sanitary Improvement Co., for repairs in rear of 77 Bates street northwest; cost $100.”

Building Operations- Evening star. [volume], March 08, 1902, Page 15. “A large addition Is to be made to the number of houses that have been erected by the Washington Sanitary Improvement
Company. The new structures will be thirty-four in number, and will be located on Bates, L, and Warner streets northwest. The type of house will be similar to those built by the company, and will consist of two stories, each containing a suite of rooms with separate entrances.
The work of building Is to be done under the direction or Mr. F. B. Pyle.”

Added to ScheduleEvening star. [volume], May 21, 1902, Page 16. and The evening times. [volume], May 21, 1902, Page 6. “At the request of Gen. G. M. Sternberg, president of the Washington Sanitary and Improvement Company, the District Commissioners have directed that Bates street be sprinkled dally.”

Bates Street Not to be Open at PresentThe Washington times. [volume], March 16, 1903, Page 12. WSIC had to wait on Bates Street on Sq. 552 because alley dwellings needed to be condemned.

Real Estate TransfersThe Washington times. [volume], August 06, 1904, Page 8. “Alley between First and Third and P and Q Streets northwest District of Columbia Commissioner to trustees of Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, part square 552, $787.52”.

Plans for New BuildingsThe Washington times. [volume], January 08, 1905, Metropolitan Section, Page 7. Article about building 21 houses in Truxton Circle.

Sanitary Houses Quickly Rented- Sixty-eight snapped up as soon as completed The Washington times. [volume], November 19, 1905, Real Estate News of Washington, Page 3. WSIC homes on Bates, Q, and P were very popular.

Improvement Company will Build Six HousesThe Washington times. [volume], June 24, 1906, Metropolitan Section, Page 8. Article about building 201-205 P Street NW and 200-204 Bates Street NW.

BloomingdaleThe Washington times. [volume], July 01, 1906, Woman’s Magazine Section, Page 6. “A building permit has been issued to the the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company for the erection of three two-story brick buildings at 201-205 P street northwest, at an estimated cost of $11,500.
It has also secured a permit to build three houses of the same class at 200-204 Bates street northwest, just around the corner from the others. The plans have been furnished by Architect Appleton Clark and represent a class of houses which have become very popular in that neighborhood. They will all have the most modern conveniences and will be built in a substantial manner. Thomas Melton has secured the contract for building them and will have them ready for occupancy during the late summer.”

Brick Flat BuildingEvening star. [volume], October 08, 1932, Page B-2. Building of 130 Q St NW for WSIC by the Mutual Construction Co.

Bates Street Mass Migration Leaves Many of 400 in DazeEvening star. [volume], November 09, 1950, Page A-29. WSIC planned to sell 400 units and the residents, particularly long term renters were stressed. Long article by Robert L. Lewis.

Scoping a comparison block- Black v White

I have an idea. I would like to compare the land records I have been seeing in my series of Black Home Owners of Truxton Circle with that of white home owners. I would start with the 1930 census because that is when redlining starts. Also the DC Recorder of Deeds online records start around 1921, and I like having a buffer.

The Truxton Circle block will be Square 509E. Why? Because I used to live there. Also It’s not as big as Squares 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 615, 616, or 617. The small and more manageable blocks are 519, 550, 553W (maybe), 554W, and 618.

So what’s the deal with Square 509E? In the 1940 Census it was 100% Black, had 67 occupied units, and 10% was owner occupied. In the 1950 census, still all Black, 69 units were occupied and the home ownership rate was up to 28%.

The 1950 Census the last and most recent open census, and that is where I’ll stop. Also after 1950 DC experienced white flight, particularly a loss of its white working class and poor. As of this time, the District does not have any white working class neighborhoods.

So I started looking for a 90-100% white comparison block. I was looking for something in Old City. I wanted something with an older housing stock, with row houses/ townhomes. To make it easier on me, no big blocks. I wanted to avoid blocks with large apartment buildings, so that eliminated most of Dupont Circle. Many Logan Circle blocks got kicked out of the running because many blocks did not remain 90%+ white by 1950. I really wanted to keep Shaw blocks finding 90%+ white blocks.

So here are my possible candidates:

Square 980N (Census tract 84, ED 720)- This NE block along Florida Ave in 1950 was 95% white, and 45% owner occupied with only 20 occupied units.

Square 984 (Census tract 81, ED761?)- This block is at E and 11st Sts NE was 90% white, 33% owner occupied with 62 occupied units.

Square 966 (Census tract 81, ED 767)- This Lincoln Park block was 100% white, 23% owner occupied with 40 units.

Square 765 (Census tract 65, ED374)- This Capitol Hill block was 96% white, 32% owner occupied with 54 units.

Square 1255 (Census tract 2, ED564)- This Georgetown block along Wisconsin Ave NW was 98% white, 31% owner occupied with 64 units.

So 980N got eliminated first because I couldn’t find the square on the Library of Congress map site. It seemed to have gotten left off and I need the real estate maps because lot numbers change.

Square 1255 in Georgetown is going to be set aside because the occupations I am seeing appear to be very upper middle class. The Truxton Circle block is more working class and I don’t want to compare it to a block that is more managerial and richer.

Squares 984, 966, and 765 are great contenders because they have several working class residents. There is the odd doctor on the block. Fair enough, 509E had a Dr.

Next, collect the info.

WSIC-Newspaper Search part 4

This is a continuation of parts 1, 2& 3. I search the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America site for newspaper articles about the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) and Truxton Circle. When the WSIC ceased operations they began off loading properties via auction in the 1950s. 

For Rent- FlatsThe evening times. [volume], November 27, 1897, Page 3. “FOR RENT Sanitary Flats for white tenants only; Bates St., between P and Q, N. Capitol and 1st sts. nw.; 3-4 rooms; baths; cellar; separate entrance and yards; modern improvements; price, $10 to $12.50; erected by WASHINGTON SANITARY IMPROVEMENT Co. office 1819 Q st. nw. 8-9 a.m 12-1:30.4-7 p.m.”

Building Permits IssuedEvening star. [volume], July 16, 1901, Page 2.  “Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, four two-story brick flats, 47 to 53 Bates street northwest; cost. $15,000.”

Real Estate TransfersEvening star. [volume], February 28, 1903, Page 3. “Third and Q streets northwest-Marie C. Eustis to George M. Sternberg et al., trustees for Washington Sanitary Improvement Co., lots 15 to 23, square 552; $32,174.95.”

Building Permits IssuedEvening star. [volume], June 21, 1906, Page 3. “To the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company for three two-story brick dwellings at 200 to 204 Bates street northwest; architect. A. P. Clark, Jr.; builder, Thomas H. Melton; estimated cost, $11,500.
To the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company for three two-story brick dwellings at 201 and 235 P street northwest; architect, A. P. Clark, Jr.; builder, Thomas H. Melton; estimated cost, $11,500.”

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], June 05, 1953, Page C-5.   Evening star. [volume], June 15, 1953, Page B-11. Auction of 220A Bates Street NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], December 03, 1953, Page C-4; Evening star. [volume], December 12, 1953, Page A-13 .  Auction of 56A Bates Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], June 16, 1954, Page C-6. Auction of 220A Q Street NW ($7750), 212a Bates Street NW ($7750), and 121 Bates Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], July 02, 1954, Page B-12. Auction of 54 Bates Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], September 14, 1954, Page C-4. Auction of 60 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], April 16, 1955, Page A-15. Auction of 22A O Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], August 13, 1955, Page B-8. Auction of 211A Bates Street NW ($7750), 221 P Street NW ($8000), and 239 Que Street NW ($1788.54)

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & Son– –Evening star. [volume], May 12, 1956, Page A-15. Auction of 1519 Third Street NW ($7750), and 205 P Street NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], June 16, 1956, Page A-15. Auction of 27A Bates Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], June 21, 1956, Page B-12. Auction of 18A O Street NW ($7500) and 27A Bates Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], September 08, 1956, Page A-14 . Auction of 34A Bates Street NW ($7500) and 55 Bates Street NW ($7750).

1930 Black Home Owners of Truxton Circle: William H. Coates- 112 Florida Ave NW

Back to the 1930 Census and looking for an African American TC home owner and the next person is William H. Coates of 112 FL Ave NW (0551 0178). The DC General Assessment for 1933-1934 confirms that William H. and Mamie Coates were owners of a 2,100 sq ft structure at that address.

I couldn’t find a lot of info about the Coates. It appears they married late in life. William, then, 58, married Mamie Thompson, aged 34, in September 1920.

Since Ancestry isn’t providing a lot of info, to the Recorder of Deeds we go. July 9, 1923 William H. and Mamie D. Coates came into possession of 112 Florida Avenue from Clarence M. Deveile. Deveile was very involved with the neighboring property at 114 Florida Avenue NW.

The next document, a May 1926 release, is quite revealing.  In 1920 the then widow Mamie Thompson, borrowed an unknown amount from Deveile. Looking a few documents back it appears, she used Deveile to do that weird deed thing where she placed her husband, William Coates, on the property in 1923.

In 1926 the Coates borrowed $3000 from the Perpetual Building Association. Again in 1933, they borrowed $2,800 from the Perpetual Building Association.  That year they pay off their 1926 debt.

It appears they sell the property to Carrie E. Walker (not Carrie G. Walker) on April 20, 1934. Deveile was a witness on this paperwork.

I did a newspaper search for 112 Florida Ave from 1923-1934 and came up with the following:

1924 Income Tax Paid by District ResidentsEvening star. [volume], September 10, 1925, Page 34. James H. Coates, 112 Florida avenue $2.10.

Situations–DomesticEvening star. [volume], February 12, 1924, Page 25. “WOMAN wants place with small family stay nights. 112 Florida ave. n.w.”

WSIC-Newspaper Search part 3

This is a continuation of parts 1 & 2. I search the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America site for newspaper articles about the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) and Truxton Circle. Most of it are auction sales when WSIC off loaded their properties in the mid-late 1950s.

For Rent- FlatsThe times. [volume], November 27, 1897, Page 6. “FOR RENT Sanitary Flats for white tenants only; Bates St., between P and Q, N. Capitol and 1st sts. nw.; 3-4 rooms; baths; cellar; separate entrance and yards; modern improvements; price, $10 to $12.50; erected by WASHINGTON SANITARY IMPROVEMENT Co. office 1819 Q st. nw. 8-9 a.m 12-1:30.4-7 p.m.”

Building Permits IssuedEvening star. [volume], May 31, 1901, Page 3. “Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, fifteen two-story brick fiats, 14 to 42 O street northwest. Cost, $35,000.”

Opening of Bates Street-Adverse Action on Application of
Washington Sanitary Improvement Co.
Evening star. [volume], March 16, 1903, Page 7. ” The Washington Sanitary Improvement
Company has applied to the Commissioners for the opening of Bates street through the center of square 552 by condemnation proceedings. The square is located between P, Q, 1st and 3d streets northwest.  Engineer Commissioner Biddle has recommended adverse action, saying:

“The president of the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company should be informed that the funds now available for opening alleys and minor streets are not sufficient to justify the Commissioners in taking up any new cases until pending condemnations are paid for and assessments for benefits are paid in. The law provides that the entire amount of damages and expenses of condemnation shall
see assessed against lots and parts of lots in the square in which the minor street is opened as the jury may determine them to be benefited, and the Commissioners have no authority to exempt any property from assessment on the ground that dedications have been made; that this matter is in the province of the jury.” ”

Building Permits IssuedEvening star. [volume], May 23, 1903, Page 11. “Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, sixteen two-story brick dwellings, 200, 202, 204, 206, 206, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218,
220, 222, 224, 226, 228 and 230 Q street northwest; cost. $48,000.”

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & Son–  Evening star. [volume], October 31, 1952, Page C-5. Auction of 48 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], April 09, 1953, Page B-17. Auction of 39 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], July 15, 1953, Page C-5 ; Evening star. [volume], July 10, 1953; Evening star. [volume], July 20, 1953, Page B-9.  Auction of 28A Bates Street NW ($7,750), 35 Bates Street NW ($7,750) and 224-A Que Street NW ($7,750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], April 09, 1954, Page C-8. Auction of 131 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], May 28, 1954, Page C. Auction of 132 Q Street NW ($8000), 26A O Street NW ($7500), and 130 Q Street NW ($15,000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], July 27, 1954, Page B-13.  Auction of 135 Bates Street NW ($7750) and 205 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], September 18, 1954, Page B-4. Auction of 60 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], November 03, 1954, Page C-6, Evening star. [volume], November 13, 1954, Page A-17. Auction of 140 Q Street NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], December 03, 1954, Page C-7. Auction of 204 Bates Street NW ($7,750), 200 Bates Street NW ($8000), and 129 Bates Street NW ($3650).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], April 21, 1955, Page B-23. Auction of 22A O Street NW ($7500) and 119A Bates Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], May 14, 1955, Page A-15. Auction of 214A Bates Street NW ($7,750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], September 07, 1955, Page C-8. Auction of 1545A 3rd Street NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], September 30, 1955, Page B-11. Auction of 215-215A Bates Street NW ($7750), 20A Bates Street NW ($7750), and 66 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], October 27, 1955, Page B-19. Auction of 1531 Third Street NW ($7000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & Son–   Evening star. [volume], May 07, 1956, Page B-11. Auction of 1519 3rd St NW ($7750) and 205 P Street NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], July 21, 1956, Page A-14; Auction of 29-29A Bates St NW ($7500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & Son–  Evening star. [volume], July 31, 1956, Page B-12. Auction of 214 Bates Street NW ($7750), 54 Bates Street NW ($7500), 200A Bates Street NW ($8000) and 132A Que Street NW ($8000).

1957 Church Survey: New Bethany Baptist

In 1957 there was as survey of churches in the Northwest Urban Renewal Area, which included Shaw, Downtown, and the area around Union Station.  New Bethany is in Shaw. To learn more about the 1957 Church Survey read my previous posts, The Uniqueness of the 1957 Church Survey and Church Survey Northwest Urban Renewal Area October 1957.

New Bethany Baptist Church at 1300 10th St NW is still located in the Logan Circle area of Shaw. In 1957 it was a medium sized African American church with 500 members who mostly lived the the Northwest Urban Renewal Area. They didn’t provide percentages of age distributions or occupations. They wrote that they had many kids and over half were between 33 and 55. Most of the congregation were unskilled labor with some being white collar government workers.

CS 8 New Bethany Baptist by Mm Inshaw


1930 Black Home Owners of Truxton Circle: John T. Wilson- 114 Florida Ave NW

In the 1930 census John T. Wilson is listed as the owner and head of household for 114 Florida Ave NW. It’s on square 551, which means it no longer exists. Run around at the Florida Avenue Park and you’ll probably be where his house was.

John Thomas Wilson was born May 17, 1886 in Durham, NC. He married Bessie M. Gaskins on September 20, 1911. She was listed as his wife on the 1930 census. He worked for the US Department of Agriculture.

The Wilson purchased 114 Florida Avenue NW on October 15, 1926. Prior to moving to Truxton Circle, he and his wife were living with in-laws, the Gaskins, at 4335 Polk St NE. In order to purchase 144 FL Ave NW, he was indebted to Clarence Deveile and Royal Mundy, trustees who had previously owned the property a few months prior, for $3,900.

I am learning, but I won’t pretend I know all that is going on with the land records. But back in 1922, a previous owner, the widow Maggie Lee owed $3,900 to trustees William A. Bowie and Clarence M. Deveile. She borrowed from Deveile and a new partner, again in 1924 for $350 and $1268. Maggie Lee sold it to Royal G. Mundy in March 1926. Royal G. and his wife Emma Mundy was borrowed from Deveile and another partner for $250. In May 1926, the Mundys transferred the property to Clarence M. Deveile.

After the Wilsons bought 114 Florida Avenue, debts from previous owners started clearing. The Mundys’ debts were cleared in December 1926, as was Maggie Lee’s. In January 1927 a debt from a owner prior to Maggie Lee, Samuel and Jennie Rappoport who borrowed in 1919, was cleared. February 1927, for September 1922 and October 1924 debts by Maggie Lee was cleared.  So a year after she sold it, all of her debts were cleared.

The Wilsons paid off the October 1926 debt on February 3, 1927. February 4, 1927 they do this weird thing I’ve noticed in other land records. Usually it is done to add someone or remove someone from the previous deed. What’s going on here? Beats me. Whatever it was, Deveile borrowed $4,250 from Equitable Life Insurance.

The same day (Feb 4, 1927) the Wilsons have the property transferred back to them and they borrowed $4500 from Mundy and Deveile.

Ten days later there are more documents regarding the release of debts from 1916 and a Maggie Lee 1920 debt.

January 7, 1928 the Wilsons borrowed $600 from trustees Deveile and Mundy.  Same date the next year (1/7/1929) the Wilsons borrowed $616 from Deveile and James L. Nielle.

September 11, 1929 it appeared that the Wilsons sold their home to R. Lawrence Plummer. The next document is a 1930 Trustees Deed, which pops up when a property has been foreclosed and auctioned. The auction was announced in the Washington Herald on June 23rd. The property was transferred to the widow Emma Gilmore by DeVeile & Mundy. The final nail was a 1932 Code Deed that transferred the property from the Wilsons to Gilmore, however it was only signed by Gilmore and the notary.

Despite all that, the Wilsons were still at 114 Florida Ave NW during World War II, after they lost legal possession. Checking the 1940 census, John claimed that he owned the property. They were still there for the 1950 census, but the 1950 census does not have ownership information. Sadly that info is lost to time.

John T. Wilson died  January 1965. Bessie died in 1980.


WSIC-Newspaper Search part 2

This is a continuation of part 1. I search the Library of Congress’ Chronicling America site for newspaper articles about the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) and Truxton Circle. There will be more parts, most of it are auction sales when WSIC off loaded their properties in the mid-late 1950s.

Building Permits IssuedEvening star. [volume], September 10, 1901, Page 5. “Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, to build a two-story brick dwelling at 94 Bates street northwest; cost, $3,000.”

Building Permits IssuedEvening star. [volume], April 01, 1902, Page 2. “Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, to build eight two-story and cellar brick flats at 62 to 76 Bates street northwest; cost. $20,000.”

Real Estate TransfersEvening star. [volume], December 19, 1916, Page 7.”NORTHWEST; BATES STREET between North Capitol and 1st streets northwest; 14 TO 42 O STREET NORTHWEST; HALF STREET between M and N streets southwest; 57 TO 81 L STREET NORTHEAST –George H. Harries and George M. Kober, surviving trustees of the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, to Washington Loan and Trust Company, trustee, lots 170 to 182, Square 509; lots 33, 34 and part of lot 35, lots 49 to 79, 80 to 94, 98 to 150, square 552; lots 134 to 140, 170 to 179, 195 to 207, 236 to 256, 258 to 265. square 615; lots 169 to 183, square 617; lots 33 to 90, 92 to 120, 122, 123, 125 to 147, square 651; lots 415 to 427, square 674.”

John J. Edson Quits Bank Presidency-Declines Re-Election as Head of Washington Loan and Trust Company- John B. Larner Succeeds- Succeeded Mr. WarnerEvening star. [volume], January 10, 1917, Page 5 -“He has been treasurer of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States since its organization, of the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company, the National Geographic Society from 1901 to date; of the Associated Charities
from 1894, and was formerly treasurer of the George Washington University.
For many years he has been chairman of the Summer Outing Committee for Children: and he was president and trustee of the National Homeopathic Hospital from 1889 to 1905.”

Total of $366,932 in D.C. BuildingEvening star. [volume], March 01, 1930, Page B-3. “Washington Sanitary Improvement Co., owner; A. S. Johnson & Co., builders; to reroof, 200 to 230 and 201 to 229 Bates street (lots 132 to 147 and ‘ 80 to 94, square 552); to cost $1,500.”

Permits- Repair WorkEvening star. [volume], June 18, 1938, Page B-2. “Washington Sanitary Improvement Co., 915 F street N.W., owners; Edson & Bressler, Bond Building, builders; to erect brick garage, 121 Bates street N.W.; to cost $1,400.”

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], June 10, 1953, Page C-16. Auction 220A Bates Street NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], April 19, 1954, Page B-11. Auction of 131 Bates Street NW ($7,750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], June 08, 1954, Page B-17. Auction of 130 “Q” St NW ($15,000). 132 Q Street NW ($8,000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], November 27, 1954, Page A-15. Auction of 200 Bates St NW ($8000) and 204 Bates St NW ($7,750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], May 19, 1955, Page B-20. Auction of 214A Bates St NW ($7,750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], July 01, 1955, Page B-9. Auction of 138 Que St NW ($8000), 69A Bates Street NW ($7,750)  ; Evening star. [volume], July 06, 1955, Page C-5. Auction of 69A Bates Street NW ($7,750). 18 Que St NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], February 24, 1956, Page C-5. Auction of 229 P Street NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], April 21, 1956, Page A-14. 202 Bates Street NW ($7750).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], May 02, 1956, Page B-16. 1519 Third Street NW ($7750). 205 “P” Street NW ($8000).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], August 29, 1956, Page C-6. Auction of 139 Bates Street NW( $7,750), 55 Bates Street NW ($7,750), 34A Bates Street NW ($7,500).

Auction Sales- Thos. J. Owen & SonEvening star. [volume], September 04, 1956, Page B-1. Auction of 139 Bates Street NW ($7,750), 55 Bates Street NW ($7750), 34 Bates Street NW ($7500).