Bad Photocopy-Bates St NW Alley 1960s-1970s maybe

So I made a photocopy of a photo and now I share it with you. There is nothing special about this alley, besides the fact that it is awfully trashy. There are other photographs and from the cars I’m guessing it is from the 1960s. But there was an image of a gentleman in a suit, which made me wonder if this could be from later. Dunno.

Alley view


That Martin Luther King speech I could never seem to locate

It’s Martin Luther King Jr Day so here’s my recycled MLK post.

Around about the early part of the year I go pecking about looking for the speech Rev. Martin Luther King Jr gave in Shaw. And I can never find it when I look. Poster-For-MLK-Parade

Today I was looking for a 1957 Church survey for a church that was at 1520 3rd St NW. But I can’t find that, but when I was looking for it, guess what I found? Yes, the King speech.

It seems it was part of a newsletter published by MICCO (Model Inner City Community Organization) run by Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy from 812 S St NW, which is New Bethel Baptist Church. As you can see from the above flier, Dr. King had an event in Shaw on March 12, 1967 and the newsletter was published the next day.

DC History Shaw MiccoNews MLK by Mm Inshaw on Scribd

Sorry for the quality of the copy. On the second page the first couple of words in the last 4 lines of the last paragraph are:

city. The
problems of crime
the people there to
that businessmen must

I’ll still look for that church survey…..

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 14 O Street NW

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

photo of property

The history of 14 O Street NW went as so:

  • February 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold one-half of 14 O St NW Marguerite and Vincent J. Edmondson.
  • February 1951 the Edmondsons borrowed $3,375 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • February 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold the other half of 14 O St NW to Annie W. and William J. Jackson Jr.
  • February 1951 the Jacksons borrowed $3,375 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • 08/03/1956 the Edmondsons sold their half to Mary Dyson Lane.
  • December 1955 (recorded January 1958) the Jacksons sold their half back to Evans, Levin and Taube.
  • February 1960 the Edmondsons were foreclosed upon and the property returned to Evans, Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt. Mary Dayson Lane’s name appears in later documents relating to building’s condemnation in 1977.
  • February 1960 (recorded in May) the Badts transferred/sold their interest in 14 O St NW to Levin’s survivors as part of a larger property package.
  • November 1961 Badt, Evan, Taube, their wives (for legal reasons) and the survivors of Levin (and their spouses) sold 14 O St NW to Sophia and George Basiliko as part of a larger property package.
  • In 1971 George Basiliko sold part(?) 14 O St NW to Housing System Development and Construction Corp as part of a larger property package.
  • April 1978 George Basiliko sold (his remaining interest?) in 14 O St NW to the O Street Properties Partnership.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 224 Q Street NW

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

photo of property

Let’s look at the post WSIC history of 224 Q St NW:

  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/51) Evans, Levin and Taube sold one-half of 224 Q St NW to Sarah B. Carroll.
  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/1951) the widow Sarah Carroll borrowed $3,125 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/51) Evans, Levin and Taube sold one-half of 224 Q St NW to Christine B. and Jesse J. Carter.
  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/1951) the Carters borrowed $3,125 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • August 1953 Mrs. Carroll lost her half of 224 Q St NW to foreclosure and via auction, it was returned to Evans, Taube and Levin.
  • September 1953 Evans, Levin and Taube sold one-half of 224 Q St NW to Freda A. and Zollie Lumberger. *Side note- they were a Black couple. See Zollie’s brother’s obit w/ picture.
  • September 1953 the Lumbergers borrowed $3,888.43 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • July 1954 the Carters lost their half of the property to foreclosure and via auction, it was returned to Evans, Levin, and Taube.
  • June 1959 as part of a larger package, Evans, Taube, new partner Harry A. Badt (and their wives) and Levin’s survivors sell their interest in 200 Q St NW to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • April 1969 the Lumbergers settled their debt with trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.

It appears that this property was not sold to RLA and I can’t tell if and when it was consolidated under one owner.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 210 Q Street NW

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s look at the post WSIC history of 210 Q St NW:

  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/1951) Evans, Levin and Taube sold 210 Q St NW to Samuel H. and Virginia B. Divers.
  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/1951) the Divers borrowed $6,250 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • February 1959 (recorded 6/18/1959) the Divers lose their home to foreclosure and Evans, Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt regain 210 Q St NW via auction.
  • February 1959 (recorded 9/23/1959) as part of a larger property package, Badt & his wife transfer interest in 210 Q St NW to Levin’s survivors.
  • November 1961 (recorded 1/5/1962), as part of a larger package, Evans, Taube, Badt (and their wives) and Levin’s survivors sell their interest in 210 Q St NW to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • July 1970, as part of a larger property package, the Basilikos sell the property to the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency.

And so this follows the usual story of foreclosure, transfer to George Basiliko and then Basiliko’s sell off to RLA in possibly a sweetheart deal.

Bad Photocopy-Unit Block of Bates St NW circa 1960-something

Bates Street NW facing West. Northside of street.

Another photo to break up the monotony of posts about the Washington Sanitary Improvement Co.’s sell off of their rental stock to people (followed by foreclosures). These images are from a pile of photocopies of photographs I found in an archive.

Judging from the arches in the doorways, this is the unit block of Bates Street NW. Judging from the cars parked on the street I’m guessing mid-late 1960s.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 1503 3rd Street NW

There are a lot of these houses. I’m just going to publish these in big batches.

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s see what happened with 1503 3rd St NW:

  • December 1950 (recorded Jan 1951) Evans, Levin and Taube sold all of (not half) 1503 3rd St NW to James W. Smith.
  • December 1950 Mr. Smith borrowed $7,950 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • November 1951 (recorded in 1952) Smith sold the property to Miss Edith E. Matthews, and she sold back to him half of 1503 3rd St NW.
  • Same November 1951 day Miss. Matthews sold the other half to Bell and George Myers Jr.
  • November 1951, the Myers borrowed $3,750 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1957 the Myers lost their home to foreclosure and Evans, Taube, and new partner Harry A. Badt regained ownership via an auction.
  • 7/3/1958 The Badts (Harry & wife) transferred their interest in this and other properties to Nathan Levin’s family (wife Rose, children Lawrence, Myron Levin and Ruth Wagman).
  • November 1961, James W. Smith fulfilled his loan obligations.
  • November 1961 the Badts, Evans, Taubes, and Wagmans sold the remaining half and other properties in a large package to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • December 1971 Basiliko and James Smith’s heirs sold the property to the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA).

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 1507 3rd Street NW

There are a lot of these houses. I’m just going to publish these in big batches.

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s look at 1507 3rd St NW:

  • January 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold one half of 1507 3rd St NW to Rosie B. and Joseph King.
  • January 1951 the Kings borrowed $3,525 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1950, Evans, Levin and Taube sold the other half of 1507 3rd St NW to Lucille Moore Nauls and Thelma A. Triplin.
  • December 1950, Nauls and Triplin borrowed $3,375 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • October 1958, the Kings sold their half back to Evans, Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt.
  • February 1960 Lucille M. (formerly Nauls) Ransom, her husband Ernest W. Ransom and Thelma A. Triplin sold the property back to Evans, Taube and Badt.
  • November 1961 the Badts, Evans, Taubes, and Wagmans sold 1507 3rd St NW and other properties in a large package to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • At some point between 1971 and 1973 the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency obtained ownership of the property.

As a side note, in 1973 the house was condemned. The condemnation was cancelled in 1974. The condemned again in 1981.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 1519 3rd Street NW

There are a lot of these houses. I’m just going to publish these in big batches.

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s see what happened with 1519 3rd St NW:

  •  January 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold half of 1519 3rd St NW to Delores M. and Thomas L. Brock Jr.
  • January 1951 the Brocks borrowed $3,525 from from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  •  January 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold the other half of 1519 3rd St NW to Gladys Banks and Robert S. McGee.
  • January 1951 Banks and McGee borrowed $3,525 from from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1953 the Brocks sold their half of 1519 3rd St NW back to Evans, Levin and Taube.
  • March 1954 Banks and McGee lost their half of the property to foreclosure and Evans, Levin and Taube regained it via an auction.
  • May 1954 Evans, Levin and Taube resold the foreclosed half to Bettie K. and Charles R. Williams Sr.
  • May 1954 the Williams borrowed $4,153.41 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • May 1956 the Williams lost their half of the property to foreclosure. Evans, Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt regained ownership via an auction.
  • May 1956 the Badts (Harry & wife) transferred their interest in this and other properties to Nathan Levin’s family (wife Rose, children Lawrence, Myron Levin and Ruth Wagman).
  • November 1961, the Badts, the Evans, the Taubes, and Levin’s survivors sold this and other properties to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • At some point between 1971 and 1978 the DC Redevelopment Land Agency gained ownership of 1519 3rd St NW.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 1511 3rd Street NW

There are a lot of these houses. I’m just going to publish these in big batches this week.

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s look at 1511 3rd Street NW:

  • December 1950 (recorded March 1951) Evans, Levin and Taube sold all of (not half) 1511 3rd St NW to Lillian and George Shaw.
  • December 1950 December 1950 the Shaws borrowed $7,000 from Colonial Investment Co. trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • September 1953 the Shaws sold one-half interest in 1511 3rd St NW to Hertlee and Maggie A. Johnson.
  • September 1953 the Johnsons borrowed $3,729.80 and $547.02  at 6% and 5% interest from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • September 1953 the Shaws sold their half interest in 1511 3rd St NW to Beulah and Theodore R. Jackson.
  • September 1953 the Jacksons borrowed $3,729.80 at 6% interest and $547.02 at 6% from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1961 the loan the Shaws agreed to in 1950 was foreclosed upon. It appears the Jacksons and the Johnsons were SOL and the property was regained by Evans, Taube and Levin’s survivors via an auction.
  • November 1961, as part of a larger property package the Levin survivors, Evans and Taube and their wives sold 1511 3rd St to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • Sometime between 1971 and 1978 the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency obtained ownership.

In the end a lot of properties wound up in the hands of the RLA.