Not so much lunch break research

But as part of trying to answer a work-related question, I found myself looking at DC Building Permits on microfilm from 1892 to 1920something. Just a quick observation… the 19th century stuff is a lot of new buildings. But there are, and more so in the 1917 & up permits, permits for additions to pre-existing structures. In 1917 and thereabouts people where building kitchen additions, two story add-ons, new porches, steps, thus basically not leaving their homes in the pristine state the original builder had left.

One thought on “Not so much lunch break research”

  1. Also consider that DC may have adjusted permit requirements, upgraded their enforcement/inspection capability, or some other statutory change. That would mean the jump you’re seeing isn’t because people all of a sudden started doing additions, but rather they had always done that work, but after 1917 they were just more compelled to get a permit. I don’t know the real reason, but my explanation is a possibility.

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