Send a kid to camp

Via Jim:

Below please find a flyer for the MPD annual fundraiser to send kids to camp. If you or someone you know is interested in supporting this activity, please let me know at your earliest convenience.


Jim Berry
The Chief of Police Citizens Advisory Council -Invites You to a Benefit Dinner to Send Kids to Camp

When: Friday, June 02, 2006 6:30 p.m. . 10:00 p.m.

Where: The Washington Navy Yard
Washington / Commodore / Anacostia Banquet Room
8th & .M. Streets, SE
(Use 8th Street Gate . A Picture I.D. is required)

Cost: $40.00 Per Ticket
$400.00 Per Table of 10
Door Prizes

Proceeds will be used to:

1. Send Inner-City Youth to Camp Brown
2. Construct Additional Cabins
3. Repair Hurricane Damage

Sponsored By: The Chief of Police Citizens Advisory Council

Make Checks payable to:

Joseph K. Smith Memorial Summer Camp Fund.
For More Information Please Contact:
Stanley J. Mayes – Treasurer (202) 773-3217
Rev. Thomas S. Alston – Secretary . (202) 584-4431