WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 1519 3rd Street NW

There are a lot of these houses. I’m just going to publish these in big batches.

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s see what happened with 1519 3rd St NW:

  •  January 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold half of 1519 3rd St NW to Delores M. and Thomas L. Brock Jr.
  • January 1951 the Brocks borrowed $3,525 from from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  •  January 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold the other half of 1519 3rd St NW to Gladys Banks and Robert S. McGee.
  • January 1951 Banks and McGee borrowed $3,525 from from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1953 the Brocks sold their half of 1519 3rd St NW back to Evans, Levin and Taube.
  • March 1954 Banks and McGee lost their half of the property to foreclosure and Evans, Levin and Taube regained it via an auction.
  • May 1954 Evans, Levin and Taube resold the foreclosed half to Bettie K. and Charles R. Williams Sr.
  • May 1954 the Williams borrowed $4,153.41 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • May 1956 the Williams lost their half of the property to foreclosure. Evans, Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt regained ownership via an auction.
  • May 1956 the Badts (Harry & wife) transferred their interest in this and other properties to Nathan Levin’s family (wife Rose, children Lawrence, Myron Levin and Ruth Wagman).
  • November 1961, the Badts, the Evans, the Taubes, and Levin’s survivors sold this and other properties to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • At some point between 1971 and 1978 the DC Redevelopment Land Agency gained ownership of 1519 3rd St NW.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 1511 3rd Street NW

There are a lot of these houses. I’m just going to publish these in big batches this week.

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s look at 1511 3rd Street NW:

  • December 1950 (recorded March 1951) Evans, Levin and Taube sold all of (not half) 1511 3rd St NW to Lillian and George Shaw.
  • December 1950 December 1950 the Shaws borrowed $7,000 from Colonial Investment Co. trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • September 1953 the Shaws sold one-half interest in 1511 3rd St NW to Hertlee and Maggie A. Johnson.
  • September 1953 the Johnsons borrowed $3,729.80 and $547.02  at 6% and 5% interest from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • September 1953 the Shaws sold their half interest in 1511 3rd St NW to Beulah and Theodore R. Jackson.
  • September 1953 the Jacksons borrowed $3,729.80 at 6% interest and $547.02 at 6% from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1961 the loan the Shaws agreed to in 1950 was foreclosed upon. It appears the Jacksons and the Johnsons were SOL and the property was regained by Evans, Taube and Levin’s survivors via an auction.
  • November 1961, as part of a larger property package the Levin survivors, Evans and Taube and their wives sold 1511 3rd St to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • Sometime between 1971 and 1978 the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency obtained ownership.

In the end a lot of properties wound up in the hands of the RLA.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 200 Q Street NW

There are a lot of these houses. I’m just going to publish these in big batches.

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

photo of property

Let’s look at the post WSIC history of 200 Q St NW:

  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/51) Evans, Levin and Taube sold one-half of 200 Q St NW to Joseph and Mary E. Bailey.
  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/1951) the Baileys borrowed $3,375 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/51) Evans, Levin and Taube sold the other one-half of 200 Q St NW to James R. and Thelma L. Fields.
  • December 1950 the Fields borrowed $3,375 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • January 1952 the Fields sold their half to the Consolidated Engineering Distributing Company.
  • February 1952 the Consolidated Engineering Distributing Company sold the property to Mattie N. Jackson. The paperwork doesn’t seem to acknowledge it is only half of the property.
  • 2/25/1952 Mattie N. Jackson borrowed $1475 from trustees J. George Gately and James J. Goreman Jr. at 5% interest.
  • February 1959 the Bailey’s lost their property to foreclosure and via auction, it was returned to Evans, Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt.
  • June 1959, as part of a larger package, Evans, Taube, Badt (and their wives) and Levin’s survivors sell their interest in 200 Q St NW to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • May 1970 Mattie N. Jackson sold her half to George Basiliko.

Basiliko did not wind up selling the house to RLA. Instead he sold it to the Bates Street Ventures Partnership in 1978. But then the Bates Street Ventures Partnership sold/transferred it back to Basiliko after the Board for the Condemnation of Insanitary Buildings condemned the building then uncondemned it. In 1984 Basiliko sold it to Florida Exclusive Properties…. this is  not Florida, nor in the 1980s were any of these exclusive. There are a mess of mechanics liens after that so I will end it here.

Bad Photocopy- 1st and Bates St NW circa 1960something

I have in my collection, photocopies of photographs taken sometime maybe in the late 1960s, maybe 1970s of Bates St NW. The image above is looking South on 1st St NW from the corner of 1st and the 100 block of Bates St NW.

When I attempt to look at Google Street View, I notice the mail box is gone. The lamp post is further from the corner. And no fancy schmancy brick in the sidewalk.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off-229 Bates Street NW

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) was a late 19th century charitable capitalism experiment that ended in the 1950s. This blog started looking at the homes that were supposed to be sold to African American home buyers, after decades of mainly renting to white tenants.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s look at the history of 229 Bates St NW:

  • January 1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sold 229 Bates St NW to Samuel and Annie D. Hagins. It doesn’t appear that they sold half, but the whole house.
  • 1/4/1951 the Hagins borrowed $6,050 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • July 1954 the Hagins sold half of 229 Bates St NW back to Evans, Levin and Taube.
  • October 1955 the Hagins lost their half to foreclosure and Evans, Levin and Taube regained the property via an auction.
  • March 1959 Evans, Taube, their wives and Levin’s survivors sell the property as part of a larger package to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • July 1970 the Basilikos sell the property to the District of Columbia Redevelopment Land Agency.

This was a new one for me. Typically, Evans, Levin and Taube sold half of the property to families. There were problems with this. The few sales I’ve seen of these half properties to other individuals seems to have failed most of the time. The property either winds up in foreclosure or it gets sold to a party that owns the other half. In this, they started off selling the whole property, but then bought back half.

So who were the Hagins who bought 229 Bates St NW and lost it? In the 1950 census they lived at 1746 18th Ave NW as lodgers of George Green. They were both African Americans from Georgia. He was a 21 year old baggage porter working for the railroad, she was 22.

Bad Photocopy- Random and Not So Good Images of Bates Street NW

At a point in time I photocopied some photographs of Bates Street NW. The better images will get their own post. I will dump the not so great ones here. They are from the National Archives and I think they are from the late 1960s. Maybe.

WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 139 Bates Street NW

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company built a number of homes in the Truxton Circle neighborhood in the late 19th and early 202th century. WSIC sold off a number of their rentals, with the idea of selling to African Americans.

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

photo of property

At 139 Bates St NW:

  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/1951) Evans, Levin and Taube sold One-Half of 139 Bates St NW to joint tenants Palmer R. Berry and Joseph C. Coleman.
  • December 1950 Berry and Coleman borrowed $2,525 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • December 1950 (recorded 1/18/1951) Evans, Levin and Taube sold the other half of 139 Bates St NW to Alice L. Ferguson and Isaac H. Hodge.
  • December 1950 Ferguson and Hodge borrowed $2,525 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • May 1953 Coleman and Berry lost their half to foreclosure and the property was returned to Evans, Levin and Taube.
  • May 1953 Evans, Levin and Taube sold the half lost by Berry and Coleman to Willie and Margaret E. McCrimmon.
  • May 1953 the McCrimmons borrowed $3,274.21 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • March 1958 the McCrimmons lost their half and it was returned to Evans, Levin and new partner Harry A. Badt.
  • March 1958, as part of a larger property package, the Badts transfer interest of the property to Nathan Levin’s family.
  • September 1959 Ferguson and Hodge lost their half of 139 Bates to foreclosure and ownership returned to Evans, Levin and Harry A. Badt.
  • September 1959, as part of a larger property package, the Badts transferred interest of the property to Nathan Levin’s family.
  • November 1961, as part of a larger property package, Evans, Badt, their wives and the Levin family sold their interest in 139 Bates St NW to Sophia and George Basiliko.
  • July 1970 Basiliko sold the property to the DC Redevelopment Land Agency.

So this address had fit the pattern of properties being sold then those buyers losing their homes to foreclosure and then the property winding up in the hands of a man whom the Washington Post called a slum lord. Because of the way he handled his rentals he was forced/pressured to sell many of his Bates Street properties.


WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 38 O Street NW

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company built a number of homes in the Truxton Circle neighborhood in the late 19th and early 20th century. WSIC sold off a number of their rentals.

photo of property

Looking at WSIC properties they tend to have a pattern where the properties were sold to a three business partners, Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. Those partners sold to African American buyers starting in 1951. There was usually a foreclosure. Then the property wound up in the hands of George Basiliko and or the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Then there was the odd lucky ones who managed to avoid that fate.

Let’s look at 38 O St NW:

  • 3/19/1951 Evans, Levin, Taube sell half of 38 O St NW to Kanie and Beulah Pendarvis
  • 3/19/1951 the Pendarvis borrow $3,125 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • 4/20/1951 Evans, Levin, Taube sell the other half of 38 O St NW to Joseph E and Gladys V. Dorsey.
  • 4/20/1951 the Dorseys borrow $3,125 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • July 1956 (recorded in October) the Pendarvis lost their half to foreclosure and that part of the property returned to Evans and Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt.
  • 1958 The Badts transfer their interest to Nathan Levin’s family as part of a larger property package.
  • 8/5/1959 the Evans, Taubes, Levin family, and Badts sell half of the property to Sophia and George Basiliko, as part of a larger property package.
  • March 1951 (recorded in October) the Dorseys paid off their loan and own their half free and clear.
  • November 1976 Joseph E and Gladys V. Dorsey sell/transfer their half of the property to Alvin L. Dorsey.
  • April 1978 Basiliko sells his half of the property to Albert James Paul Jr.
  • April 1978 Paul borrows $6K from trustees Leonard C Collings and Richard L. Sugarman.
  • February 1989 Albert James Jr and Joyce A. Robinson-Paul (same as the Green Party candidate?) buy the other half of 38 O St NW from Alvin and Elizabeth A. Dorsey.

It appears Basiliko was not forced to sell this property to DC RLA and the whole house eventually belonged to the current owners.


Bad Photocopy-Circa 1960-something-200 Block of Bates St NW

There are a lot of WSIC sell off posts in the works and I figure that would get boring so I started digging around in the piles of stuff I have. I don’t think I posted these images from photos I photocopied.

The note I have for this image reads, ” Bates St NW. 100 blk facing East Northside to South.” I think these are from the 200 block. I don’t know what year these are from but I’d say sometime in the 1960s based on the cars parked on the street.


WSIC-1950 Sell Off- 25 Bates St NW

The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company (WSIC) built a number of homes in the Truxton Circle neighborhood in the late 19th and early 20th century. WSIC sold off a number of their rentals, with the idea of selling to African Americans.

Around 1950, WSIC sold off their inventory to Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans as the Colonial Investment Co. for $3 million dollars. In an Evening Star article regarding the end of WSIC, the new owners expressed their intention to sell the rentals to Black home buyers.

This sounds decent until you get into the details. I noticed there was a pattern. They would sell half (these were 2 flat structures) to two different families. One or both households would lose their half of the house to foreclosure. And or the property (half or whole) would wind up in the hands of a man who the Washington Post called a slum lord, George Basiliko. Sometimes, an owner who avoided foreclosure or selling to Basiliko, would have to sell to the DC Redevelopment Land Agency (RLA). Some fortunate souls managed to avoid all of that.

photo of property

Let’s see what happened with 25 Bates St NW:

  • 2/14/1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sell one-half of 25 Bates St NW to Lonnie J. and Margie R. Bridges.
  • 2/14/1951 the Bridges borrow $1,900 from Colonial Investment Co. favorite trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • 2/14/1951 Evans, Levin and Taube sell the other half of 25 Bates St NW to Lloyd S. and Phoebe M. Lyles.
  • 2/14/1951 the Lyles borrow $3,800 from trustees Abraham H. Levin and Robert G. Weightman.
  • 8/08/1952 the Lyles sold their half to Elizabeth and John A. Walker.
  • 8/8/1952 the Walkers borrow $2,666 at 6% interest from trustees Vivian C Kent and Rudolph A. Taylor.
  • 6/17/1958 the Lyles are foreclosed upon and ownership returns to Evans, Taube and new partner Harry A. Badt.
  • 7/3/1958 The Badts (Harry & wife) transfer their interest in this and other properties to Nathan Levin’s family (wife Rose, children Lawrence, Myron Levin and Ruth Wagman) .
  • 3/30/1959 the Bridges lose their half to foreclosure and property ownership return to Evans, Taube, and Badt.
  • 6/22/1959 The Badts, Evans, Taubes, and Wagmans sell this and other properties in a large package to Sophia and George Basiliko.

I cannot find the deed transferring the property from Basiliko to the DC RLA, but in 1980 the RLA had ownership. Basiliko had to sell a lot of his rentals to the District of Columbia in the late 1970s because of poor management.