Leroy Thorpe plans to resign…. the chairmanship of ANC 2C. According to the agenda for Wednesday’s meeting at Africare it is slated that he will step down from the chair (see KC’s site for agenda). The next day will be the recount so we’ll see what happens.
The Unofficial Shaw Gay & Lesbian Association (that’s what I’m calling it)will be having a happy hour this Friday. Where? I have a guess but you really need to go to 5th & O’s blog for more information. The happy hour is open to straight neighbors as well, so no one is excluded.
Mt Vernon Sq has mad skilz. Not only will you know where the crime is at, locations of service requests but also when the next train is arriving at Mt. Vernon Sq/Convention Ctr.
Lastly, tonight. BACA meeting. 7PM in the basement of Mt. Sinai Baptist Church. This is an opportunity to say thanks to all who put wreaths up all over the TC.