New Town at Capital City Market, rendering (redevelopment of DC’s Florida Market area)
Originally uploaded by rllayman.
Richard has put up some pix over at flikr of the New Town proposal. Oh, look it’s a big outdoor mall! It’s disgusting. The proposal for the inside market looks like a really new supermarket. I got an idea. Take that idea shift it over 1/2 a mile to P and 8th, and call it a new Giant.
Also where the hell is Litteri’s in this Disneyfied suburban wet dream? I love Litteri’s and once you have discovered the magic of that cramped wonderland of Italian food, you realize how unique it is. I don’t want it to be moved or even temporarily relocated, because what is going to make it (or any other business) come back? People have free will and agency and when the city tells you in its own eminent domainish hostile way to go away, why pack up a 2nd time and come back?
Want to know why this project is all wrong in so, so many ways? Read more on Richard Layman’s blog entry on New Town. Richard points out another problem. Let’s call it the Brentwood Shopping Center. Does that place excite you? Oh, a Home Depot that never has what you want & don’t bother complaining about lack of knowledgeable sales people, I find that in many HDs. I know I’ll have better luck at Logan Hardware.
Could the Capitol/ Florida Market area use some spiffying up? Yes. But it doesn’t need to be turned into a little piece of Fairfax, Co.