Washington Examiner: Top News covers the changes in NoMa but all that they are describing seem like areas other than NoMa.
Okay here are a few things that kinda confused me or gave me some pause:
Five years ago, the area around Florida Avenue and North Capitol streets was trash-strewn, crime-infested and rife with abandoned buildings and warehouses.
Um, the area around Florida and North Cap has trash and people hanging out who never get on the bus and I would not exactly say that the intersection is drug-free. Not yet. Maybe they are talking about the intersection of NY & FL?
Then there were the pictures. There was one of U St. Which is not in the NoMa area as I understand the general area that is NoMa. Besides, we call it U St. Then there are the multicolored door apartments at 6th and L. Is that NoMa? I thought the northern border of NoMa was NY Ave, but I haven’t given it much thought. Besides I’m claiming those apartments in the name of Shaw and Mt. Vernon Sq. I just gotta find my flag to plant.
Speaking of Mt. Vernon Sq….. This Old House has invaded and took over a house. It’s over on the 1100 block of 5th or 6th St. I enjoyed the web cam. Every housing project needs a web cam. But I was thinking I want an alley cam. Watch the coming and going of who is walking through my alley.
ETC2- I just realize that Truxtonian and I wrote about the same article, and I’ve updated my link as the article has moved.