Neighbor Nathan over at the DC Education Blog has a few posts on DC addressing it’s truancy problems. Walking to the metro the other day to run some errands I saw teens hanging out at the corner around 9AM and wondered if I should call it in. Question, who would I call? Police? 311 or 911? More likely the non-emergency 311 number. Then, what time does school start?
I have no clue about these things. I know approximately when school gets out because the streets are awash with kids. There are kids from the school of Our Lady of Really Ugly Uniforms, feral pre-teens, gansta teens, all over the corner of Rhode Island and 7th, all on the metro giggling and cursing, everywhere between 3 and 4pm.
I wonder how the public is supposed to help with the truancy? I know how they are targeting parents of chronically absent kids. But how will police (or who ever) respond to calls from non-parents about truant kids?