April 1st

April showers means… less watering for me.
It did cross my mind to do an April Fools post. Something along the lines of ‘French Bistro to come to corner of R & New Jersey’, but I thought that, that, would be too cruel. However, Frozen Tropics has gone on a April Fool’s roll, my favorite of which is “Local Historians Just Make Sh t Up“. Followed by “Girlfriend No Longer Has Excuse To Not Visit H St Boyfriend” with a lovely observation of a segment of the west of 16th St anglo-female community.

“I saw Napa used sun-drieds,” said Ginny referring to the sun-dried tomatoes sprinkled liberally throughout NAPA’s menu. “And that was the deal-sealer for me. No white woman with a college degree can pass them up. I am going to come over at 7 p.m. maybe 7:30 this Saturday. Tell him to make sure no black guys are hanging on the corner this time.”