I say we hunt down those needy kids

Normally I’d throw this over to the main announcement board but:

The US Marine Corps sponsors a toy give-away campaign every year for “needy” children in the community. To be eligible to receive toys, the US Marine Corps coordinator must receive a written request from the parent or social service representative. Distribution of the toys will begin on Monday, December 4th, at Boys and Girls Club (#14) at 4103 Benning Road, NE (202) 388-8197, (202) 388-8183
To request a toy: Fax the request to: (202) 433-2497 or Write: Toys for Tots, PO Box 3124, Washington, DC 20336
One can also apply online: www.toysfortots.org
The request must include: 1.) Child’s Name, 2.) Address, 3.) Phone Number, 4.) Child’s age, gender, 5.) A one toy wish. (doll, truck, car, ball etc)

For information email the Toys For Tots coordinator Johnny Noble Johnny.Noble @ USMC.Mil (202) 433-0116, (202) 433-0132
Please pass this information along to anyone whom you believe might be in need of it!

Jim Berry

Okay last year there were some kids in the hood who got a not so great Christmas because there might have been some misunderstanding about how one non-profit’s toy program worked. Let’s not have a repeat of that. I say we hunt down the needy kids of the hood, and hook ’em up with the Toys for Tots so that no kid (unless their guardians or parents don’t do Christmas) goes with out a touch of Christmas.

Please dispose

SR building 2
Originally uploaded by In Shaw.

In my profession we have these things call records management schedules. They tell you what records to keep, for how long, when to toss them and when to shove them off to the archives. If I could make a schedule for Shaw buildings, I would put the Susan Reitig (not sure if the spelling is right) building on S Street, across from the Wonderbread warehouse, on the dispose when no longer in use category.
The building is fairly new, only a few years old. But remember our present, will be someone’s past. I have this small fear that just because someone designed something and it manages to survive 2 generations or worse gets named after an honorable person it becomes slated for permanent retention. So I propose surveying the neighborhood and finding buildings, that when they have become no longer useful (ie abandoned), as buildings have been from time to time in the history of this neighborhood that they should be disposed of. And the people of the present should guide the people of the future on what buildings to put their energies behind and preserve and which ones need to meet the wrecking ball or get radically redesigned.

What I want

I want one of those binocular/ digital camera doohickies. I want to take pictures of the corner and get license plate numbers….. from a safe distance.
I also want one of those signs that say “If You have Time To Lean. You Have Time To Clean.”
But more importantly I want the corner to be completely drug free. It is reduced from before, but I want to go for the gold and make it drug free.