Kitten in Garden

Kitten in Garden 2
Originally uploaded by In Shaw.

Just two (the second is the black spot o’ fur under the folding table) of the four feral kittens that have been spotted in the yard. One I have already named “Scardy Kat” as it runs at the very hint of danger or sound or movement or anything for that matter.
The kitten in front of the white white pot is taking in the lush greenery of the yard. Later three kittens will engage in a game of attack hide and seek between the folds of a outdoor rug I have folded over in a corner.

You may want to actually show up at this BACA mtg.

I’m disappointed that only the usual suspects showed up, I was hoping for more of you. But off the top of my head this is what happened…..
The developers showed their stuff for an Eckington project. 625-675 units, 850 parking spots. Jim Berry asked about jobs for the community, and not just laborer positions, jobs for architects, accountants, etc in the community. After the developers departed Jim mentioned that we need a resume library to find the accountants and whatnot in the community. Mary Ann talked up Flower Power and she’d like donations for the reception, such as a bottle of wine, food, etc. On the topic ABC licenses, it will be a long battle. The ABC board is very business friendly, so much so that the battle with the liquor store on the corner of 4th and Florida has been going on for over a decade and their license still gets renewed. Jim Berry solicited invitations from residents to send him their stories, videotape, etc relating to the stores. Jim also prepared the audience for what the store’s supporters will throw at them such as, “These white people…. these new people are coming in and wanting to change things…. I’ve been here 40 years….. drive out black businesses…” One of the 15 candidates for Ward 5 spoke. At 9:05 I left ’cause Vance went on one of his non sequiturs.
I’ll type up my notes and place them on the site where I keep the other notes, provided I don’t loose them under a pile like I did the other notes.

It’s the first Monday of the month and so there is a BACA meeting. On the agenda tonight are the three liquor stores whose (is that the right word “whose”?) liquor licenses are coming up for renewal. Our great leader Jim, wants to hear from you and it would be good to hear testimony from supporters, as I gather there will be opposition. There was a petition that did go around so I’d be surprised if there isn’t someone who would oppose.
And there are some other things on the agenda:

Paul Tummonds, Esq.
Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, LLP
re. the Fairfield Development Project at the Capital Commerce Center
Agenda for the evening also includes updates from the following committees:
Public Safety
Youth Services
Environmental Services
Land Use, Planning and Economic Development

Monday, June 5, 2006
Mount Sinai Baptist Church
3rd and Q Streets, N.W.

Rooms 1 and 2 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

For more information regarding the meeting and/or the Association, please contact Jim Berry at (202) 387-8520

Dear Political Minions

Don’t do stupid stuff.
Names have been changed to protect the innocent and guilty.
I was with a bunch of neighbors and one of the topics that came up was mayoral runners Candidate X and Candidate Y. There were supporters of Candidate Y who reported that when Candidate X and X’s minions came by, some minions were spotted taking Y’s yard signs and replacing them with X’s. Now if the yard sign change occurred without the express permission of the yard’s owner, that would be very, very wrong. Didn’t the minions think this through? If you support Y and your Y for Mayor sign is replaced by X, wouldn’t you tell your neighbors and everyone else? This would then reflect badly on X, particularly for something small and petty. Instead of taking and replacing signs on PRIVATE PROPERTY X’s minions should have done what candidate Z has done and just plaster PUBLIC property with Z’s signs. Yeah, it is easy to guess who Z is.
It is unknown if Candidates W’s or V’s signs were touched at all.