I was a little bit snarky when I got the announcement about a gathering in Shaw regarding worker’s rights. The PDF, which I’m not attaching, mainly because my Firefox don’t like PDFs, says:
Workers’ Rights Board Hearing
Wage Theft
DC’s Hidden Crime
Every day hard working people in DC are denied their fair wages. Workers are:
+ Classified as contractors
+ Denied overtime
+Paid below minimum wage, paid less than agreed, paid with bad checks, and sometimes paid not at all.
Thursday February 18th
First Rising Mt. Zion Church
602 N St, NW
Mt. Vernon Sq metro’
Join academic, faith and political leaders in examining this hidden crime wave….
No problem with addressing criminality in contract law and tax evasion (classification of workers as contractors), however I did have a problem with a blurb on the email:
Every day working people in our city have their hard-earned wages skimmed or outright stolen from them. Employers withhold tips, force people to work off the clock, pay less than the minimum or prevailing wage, pay less than promised, and sometimes run off without paying at all.
For poor and working people who already struggle to make ends meet, even a small theft of wages can be disastrous for their families. Cumulatively, employers steal billions of dollars from millions of workers – money that is lost to families and communities, exacerbating the current economic crisis.
To me this insinuates that most employers are criminals, which is a line of thinking I find very disagreeable. Also with the mention of “millions” and considering that the population of the District hovering somewhere around just half that, this doesn’t hint at a local discussion, but rather a general anti-capitalist gathering. I also note a lack of mentioning resources for victims of these offenses (if it is so widespread and everything). Instead of being snarky, I’m just stating what I am okay with and where I strongly disagree.