Dunbar Marching Band Scam

via the Eckington Listserv
It seems some kid is going around collecting funds for the band, but it seems Dunbar no longer has a band.
I’ve pretty much gotten cynical when it comes to mealy mouth kids and fund raising. I don’t truly believe they are raising money for their school or football team. I may give out of pity or explain that I only give to the kids who live on my block, sorry.
When I want to do charitable giving I have lots of choices and I have a higher preference for those who I can somewhat hold accountable.

3 thoughts on “Dunbar Marching Band Scam”

  1. Interesting. Several kids have been hitting our house and others on our block for at least 3 years asking for donations for the Dunbar Marching Band. They always have clipboards and sign-up sheets, and when I’ve asked them what instruments they play they always have a ready answer. Sad, if it’s all been a scam.

  2. Word came from the principal Stephen Jackson via email when Caryn (BACA blog) was following up on a question of if anything the neighborhood can do to help the band-
    “Dear All:

    Dunbar does not have a band. The person soliciting funds from people is an impostor and should be reported to the police.

    The band instructor was let go before I got to Dunbar by the Friends of Bedford last year. We are not collecting any money for the Dunbar Marching Band.”

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