Below is a list of the Washington Sanitary Improvement Company house histories on the InShaw blog. The Washington Sanitary Improvement Company around the turn of the 20th Century (between the 1890s and 1910s) built many two flat rental homes in Truxton Circle with an architectural style that defined the neighborhood. But in 1950 the company came to an end and sold their inventory of rentals to the Colonial Investment Company, then run by Nathaniel J. Taube, Nathan Levin and James B. Evans. The Colonial Investment Co. sold individual units to African Americans. But unfortunately, there was a pattern of failure.
I hope to write an article about this, and if you have suggestions of what journals or publications would be interested please reach out to me, about this failure. I believe it is a story that hasn’t been told. I also want to have all the facts. So I am going to do nothing by WSIC houses until I’m done.
This means no special Black History month posts. This WSIC is a chapter of a segment of Black history so there’s that.
It is arranged by original square and lot numbers. Noting that lot numbers change “Current Sq Lot” is what the lot number is now. Ignore the column “Doc”.