Well there is a BACA (Bates Area Civic Association) meeting tonight, same place, same time. Mt. Sinai Baptist basement, 7pm.
As far as the slum history goes, right now I don’t have much to piece together to make a decent or readable post. I am still making notes in The History and Development of the Housing Movement in the City of Washington, D.C. which describes the company that built the houses along Bates, Q, and 3rd Streets, NW. I was looking to explore something I read on modern 3rd world slums and cottage industries that form from them. However, my big source, The Washington Post of the mid 20th century, focuses on the illegal gill joints and sex trade industries. So I guess I’m not going to explore that.
In the meanwhile, here’s a picture of the corner of 3rd and P. Compare with old picture of 3rd and P.
2 thoughts on “Rambling post”
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Looks nice! Not slummy. 🙂
Well the TC isn’t slummy. But Bates Street experienced moments of slumminess in the past, which hopefully will remain in the past.