If you can make this map out, it is the police districts for the city, circa 1900-1950-ish. I’m betting 1930. This is once again another sad tale of where I copy stuff and completely fail to note where I got it from exactly.
I know this much, I got it from the Census. The image is sitting on my computer in PDF form and the dates and all sorts of wonderful information would be revealed if I could remember what folder on what drive it sits.
Day: August 8, 2008
DC CensusMap.jpg
I putting this up because occasionally I need to know what census district is which. The dates for this? Your guess is as good as mine. I think it could be 1920, 1940, something like that.
Continuing with the Doctor Who Theme

Me (aged 14); Peter Davison, the 5th Doctor Who Doctor, and yes, those are a box of Jelly Babies in my hand. I think this was taken at a Sci-Fi convention or just a straight up Dr. Who convention.
I was such a dweeb.