
And lo, there was much waiting and anticipation for the most holy of holies, that most sacred day Black Friday. The faithful arise before the sun to sit vigil outside the edifices that contain many objects of desire until the gates are opened and all shall enter for the early bird sales.

Me? I’m shopping on line. If I can avoid it I will try not to set foot in Pentagon City. If I have to set foot in any bricks & mortar store, I will try to spend my Christmas dollars in the District. We got Best Buy, Hecht’s, H&M, Filenes, Lush, tons of indy shops (I’m sure I can find something at Go Mamma Go or Home Rule) so I should be good. It would be nice if we had a Target….. when is that going to get built?

I’m also going to make some gifts like I did last year. Last year’s craft were pomanders (take a orange poke it with a toothpick, insert lotsa cloves in toothpick holes). I’ll venture over to Not Martha for some ideas.