I guess the only way to get a sit down restaurant with wait staff and a menu is by error. As I was looking at the restaurants listed for Restaurant Week and spotted “21 P” which is listed on the Washington Convention and Tourism as well as the Restaurant Assoc. of Metropolitan Washington site as being at 21 P St NW. So. So. Wrong. If memory serves me, the only thing in that vicinity where food is served is the New York Fried Chicken at the corner of P & North Cap, and I don’t think they’re doing Restaurant Week.
The real address I believe is 2100 P Street, in Dupont Circle, but the name of the restaurant is 21 P. I’m beginning to think this is the winner of the bad names for restaurants. 15 ria, which is at 1515 Rhode Island Ave, at least one does not automatically think 15 Rhode Island Ave when seeing 15 ria.
So if there is actually a 21 P Street, warn them that they may have to put out an extra plate for dinner.
Day: July 22, 2005
Possible “affordable” condo alert
Ranging from high $100 to 1/2 mil. My spider senses say fewer units in the $100 range and more in the 1/2 mil range. Anyway The Rhode Island at 1929 1st Street NW will have an open house according to a post on the Logan Circle listserv:
Subject: Open House – The Rhode Island at LeDroit Park
Sneak Preview at The Rhode Island at LeDroit Park. We will offer our first on on Saturday, July 23rd and Sunday, July 24th from 2:00 -5:00 pm.
A mix of studios, one, two and three bedroom units with pricing from the high $100’s in this quaint 13 unit condominium project. We project the units to be delivered Fall 2005.
During the Sneak Preview you will have the opportunity to complete a reservation agreement and financial statement onsite to reserve your future home. An earnest money deposit of 5% of the purchase price and loan approval from one of the developer’s lenders is required to reserve a unit.
Perferred Lenders
Bill Plante Paul Watkins
George Mason Bank Citibank Mortgage
301-841-1303 240-876-1252
Email: bplante@gmmllc.com Email: paul.a.watkins@citigroup.comWe look forward to meeting with you to discuss our new project.
Kim Mitchell
Sales Manager
KL Associates, Inc
202-462-5106 ext. 26
Email: kmitchell@klproperties.com
In this they FAILED to list the address. I had to spend a good 5 minutes hunting down the address and found it at DC Real Estate. I guess I could have just gone to the KL site but really, you announce a property it helps to tell where the heck it is…. Doesn’t help that it is not on Rhode Island Avenue.
Comment Policy 7-22-05
It’s Friday and so a slow day according to the reports I get from my server so I’m going to do a little notice regarding the comment policy here at InShaw.
Short version-
1. Pleeeeeeeeeease initial or ID your posts. It is a pet peeve of mine when people don’t stand behind their words.
2. Censor foul language. With the exception of f*ck, if it wouldn’t show up in the Washington Post, don’t type it here.
3. For certain posts there might be extra limits on the direction of comments. Please abide by them.
4. The Webmistress reserves all rights to remove comments, stop any more comments, or not have any comments for posts.
Failure to recognize 1-3 may result in the comments being deleted. Really depends on my mood.
Long boring version-
When I tell people about InShaw, I say that it’s a blog where I complain and make observations about life in the neighborhood. Early on I had no comments, mainly because Blogger didn’t offer it. Then I just allowed other Blogger people to comment, but that was unfair to non-Blogger subscribers. So then I opened it to everyone and their grandma. The comment feature allow others to chime in on my complaints and observations. Commenters have pointed out mistakes or errors, and have added more or better information than what I posted. For that, thanks.
Many of you are familiar with my pet peeves. People not initialing or claiming their posts is a big one. Comes with letting everyone and their dog comment. Sometimes these things attract a comment conversation and it really helps to keep track of who is who.
Second, I will admit I am a prude, so no foul language. You can hint at it but not just have it out there.
Third, there may be posts where I ask commenters to stay away from certain things. Recently with the capture of a suburban vandal I asked folks not to use his handle simply to avoid having my site come up when he Googles himself. Also I think I know what will bug or anger me enough that I will erase comments. I think it is fair to give folks a heads up.
Lastly, it’s my site and I can do what ever I want. However, I do try to exercise some restraint on the deleting of comments. If you need an outlet to express yourself that would run counter to my comment policy, by all means join a neighborhood discussion group or get your own blog. My goal is not to silence you but rather create a space that is pleasing to me.