Free kittens

Well it has been over a week and I am having a bit of trouble fostering these little darlings. So if you would like to take them off my hands it would be wonderful.
Anyway there are three kittens. Tuxedo kitty has a potential home, but I have to get back to the potential parents. Calico kitty almost had a home but Mrs. Potential Parent is resistant so I’ve been told to go ahead and try for a home. Calico kitty likes to be held and have her head rubbed and scratched. She has a lovely purr. Tortie kitty, I vote tortie kitty most likely to spend most of the day under the couch. She does like to play but isn’t so fond of being held.
Anyway, if you can take these kitties away, like tonight or tomorrow night it would be great. I’m running out of cat food and kitty litter and time. Kitty litter is heavy and I’m car-less. This rain isn’t helping. Worse yet, when the kittens were taken to the vet for spaying and neutering*, being in a room full of cats set some tingling off in my nose. So the kittens have been moved to the cellar of the house, they really need to be with people if they are going to be adopted.
I am seeing the limits of my own ability. If it was just one kitten maybe I could do this a bit longer, and give the attention needed, but three is beginning to take a toll. I was hoping I could have 2 kittens in homes Sunday, but, things just didn’t work out that way.

* Sadly the vet determined the kittens to be “too small” for surgery, which I wish we all could have known what the limits were before. They will be big enough when they are over 3 lbs.