Aren’t you glad you live in the city?

Gas is going up and this is one of the few moments when I’m happy not to be dependent on a car. Of course the high price of gas makes everything that has to get shipped here via truck & plane higher, but I don’t fret over the daily changes in the price of gas.
I am thankful that there is a grocery store blocks from the house to complain about. Thankful that there is a bus system that can get me from various parts of the city streaming through the hood. Even more thankful for a subway system. Basically, thankful for all the things here that make it so I haven’t needed to own a car for over 10 years.

Help neighborhood school kids

From Jim


A series of initiatives are being contemplated for implementation this year by the BACA on behalf of the elementary-aged children who attend John F. Cook School. In the past, you have been asked to donate book bags and other school supplies to give to neighborhood children for use at the beginning of the school year. However, this year we thought it might be useful to take another approach to this situation.

Specifically, we ask that you purchase a number of composition books, some three hole ruled paper, and boxes of pencils to donate to John F. Cook School for use by the children throughout the course of the academic year.
All too often, book bags and other materials are made available to needy children at the beginning of the year, but these essential resources become in short supply as the semester and the year wears on.

So, we will accept donations of these items (again, composition books, three hole ruled paper and boxes of pencils) at every monthly meeting of the Bates Area Civic Association, Inc. throughout the year. For those of you who don’t have children, now is a good time to purchase these items fairly cheaply because of the annual sales that normally accompany the opening of school each year.

It is our hope that this admittedly small, yet signficant, gesture of support for our neighborhood kids will eventually translate into a closer relationship between community residents and the school as well as an enhanced belief on the part of the students that we are seriously interested and invested in their productive educational growth and development.

So, please remember to bring your donations to the next BACA meeting on 9/12/2005!


Jim Berry

Eckington Happy Hour to benefit Hurricane Victims


Dear Neighbors,
You are invited to a attend a neighborhood happy hour
to benefit the Red Cross relief effort for the victims
of Hurricane Katrina. As you know, the hurricane left
many people homeless and they need help. Details are
as follows:

Event: Happy Hour to Benefit Red Cross Relief Effort
Date: Friday, September 2, 2005
Time: 7 pm to 10 pm
Location: 2211 First Street, NW
Suggested Minimum Donation: $20

A representative from the Red Cross will be present to
accept the donations, which can be made by check
payable to the American Red Cross.

In addition, the following businesses have pledged to
match the funds our community raises at this event:
* XM Satellite Radio
* Douglas Development
* CRA Urban

Hosted by:
Andrew Acker
Corey Potter and Anson Harrison
David Lippe and Valentine Garcia
Sara Kaufman and Gordon Errington
Shane Wolfe

Grocery Store

Why is the store a tad busier at 8:30am on a Saturday? Or is it just me? I go to the Giant early in the morning on Saturdays to get my weekly groceries and to avoid lines. I don’t know if I’m imagining it, but it seems busier. The lines seem longer. Not crazy long, going halfway down the aisle long, but longer than usual.
If I’m not imagining things and the lines are getting longer at the Giant, I guess more people are shopping there. It could be a consequence of gentrification or greater density residential buildings popping up in various parts of Shaw? I know we all don’t go to the Whole Foods for regular shopping. I don’t. Love the products, hate the prices. So maybe two Shaw grocery stores might not be enough.
Hopefully a new Safeway, slated to pop up on the other side of the road of death I call New York Ave in the NoMa area will get built and take some of the pressure off the Giant. Yet if I’m reading it right, that won’t be until 2008. Doesn’t do me any good now. And besides, they keep building these condos and apartments with people, and at some point, they too will want to buy groceries.
I guess I could always go the route of Peapod, but the store is right there. A short walk, an even shorter bike ride. I’ll just bring a book, and read while waiting to get rung up.

Thinking some more I guess all those new apartment and condo dwellers along Mass Ave and over in Gallery Place gotta pick up milk, TP, salad somewhere. I wonder if the grocery stores in Dupont and Shaw are enough to support them? Then what of new projects to come that will add even more people?

OT Addition:
I’ve added a charity to the side there. Being episcopalian, I chose Episcopal Relief and Development. There is also a link to the New York Times’ list of other charitable organizations helping the vicitms of Hurricane Katrina.


Also from Jim


Saturday, October 22, 2005 is being looked at as the date of Octoberfest 2005. As you may recall, the Octoberfest tradition was established last year and, speaking for those of us who were in attendance at the day’s events, I feel it safe and accurate to say that a good time was had by all.

Inasmuch as the proposed date of this activity is rapidly approaching, please let me know if you are interested in being a member of the planning committee for the event as soon as possible. There is much work to be done between now and 10/22/2005, if we are to match last year’s success.


Jim Berry

Illegal dumping

From Jim


I have just been asked to provide a listing of sites where major illegal dumping is taking place in my Single Member District because the city is considering a plan to put up cameras in certain sites around town in order to catch the violators. I have been told that I need to provide this information to the “powers that be” by tomorow afternoon. I would like your input into the compilation of this list, so please forward your recommendations to me as soon as possible.

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this matter!


Jim Berry

Walter Reed

I’ve debated about writing on this because:
a- everybody else has
b- it’s not in Shaw
oh & c- the timeliness that most bloggers and MSM journalists pride themselves on, I don’t posses. It would help if I cared to be timely. I’m an archivist, the older the better.
Anyway, Nora Bombay has mentioned the place we call YuppieLand, aka Cameron Station in Alexandria VA on Duke Street, which used to be a military barrack, now expensive RE. Could Walter Reed be the next YuppieLand? YuppieLand II? For one, that’s a lot of land. Cameron Station, from Nora’s window looks tiny.
The US govt would need to give it up. They might hold on to it for some department of something or another, or be a bunch of meanies and sit on it and let it rot and decay for a couple of adminstrations. Right now it’s all speculation.
It is so big I can’t imagine what could go there. If it were up to me….. theme park with 12 roller coaster rides. But no, that isn’t practical and second, it isn’t neighborhood friendly. Another idea, make it into a large park, a greenspace. Also not practical. I guess in 10 years maybe it will be a mixed development deal, with parking.

Rubble House on 5th St

Theo alerted me to this some time ago but I don’t consider InShaw as a news blog so I encouraged him to send it to a larger medium like a neighborhood listserv. He did better, the Washington City Paper ran a story on the fiasco that is at 1427 5th St., NW, along with some other houses in the Shaw area that have endangered neighboring buildings because the houses are old and the contractors ignorant or cheap, or both.
I’m amazed that my crumbly pile of bricks I call home stands. It’s over 130 years old and some of the bricks are like sand. Red sand. So I’m guessing a mix of the wood beams, flooring, the bricks that aren’t sand and several Sunday prayers keep this thing up. Remove the wood and there is little to keep it steady. It’s already leaning.
These houses are old. Some 100 years old. Some older than that. Some haven’t fallen over due to minimal maintenance or due to the fact the structure hasn’t been stressed or strained. Just cause it survived the riots and the crack years doesn’t mean it will survive an idiot with a sledge hammer.