Bates Area Civic Assoc is PLANNING Oktoberfest

According to the little yellow flyer on my fence:

The Bates Area Civic Association is planning an Oktoberfest for Saturday October 30th. Their current ideas include a:

Chili Cook-off


Bratwurst and Sauerkraut

Hot Cider

Flea market

Live Music

Health and Wellness Table



and more

If you are interested in volunteering or renting space for the flea market contact the planning committee at oktoberfest AT arachnophile dot com.

This IS a great neighborhood

Once you get past some of the houses and some of the people with chemical problems, and you stick around a while, you will discover that this is a great neighborhood.
The people. People make a neighborhood all worth while, of course a good coffee shop or other neighborhood hang out helps too.
I’m in this I love my neighborhood mood because something dear has been returned to me, my palm pilot. I lost it on the street, my street, getting out the car. Apparently a fellow named Larry found it. He contacted some of the people in the address book (note: remove some people) and one was a neighbor who picked it up and returned it.
The palm wasn’t the first thing I lost around here. I have lost my wallet a couple of times. Once the wallet was returned to me by a kindly old lady who lived on 5th Street, showing me the importance of having your business cards in your wallet is a good thing.
I need to learn to keep up with my stuff better.

Scenes in Shaw

Scene 1
Driving down New Jersey Ave to attempt to turn on New York I spy three street vendors under the shade of a tree. One is a Salvadorian(?) woman selling flowers. The other is a guy selling bootleg CDs. The other guy, it looks like he’s selling bootlegs too.

Scene 2
There are a gaggle of kids running up and down the stair case of a house. I see the white occupants sitting on the stoop as the neighborhood kids run around. One kid is fooling around with one of the occupant’s hair. It looks liek she’s trying to plait the hair.

Scene 3
Over at the Florida Avenue park I spotted three people walking out of the park. Two of the people are holding up the one in the middle. Apparently middle guy can’t walk. No one seems phased by the scene. Just another day in the park.

Anyone need a trash can?

Anyone need an extra big green city trash can?
They cost $60 to replace.
Really we have an extra one.
It is currently sitting on the corner of 4th and Q. It has an address written on it, but if you go by the address you will see a much nicer can in the yard.
I called the city 2x about picking it up. It has been on the block, unclaimed for 3 weeks. So if you think you may need it, feel free to grab it. It may have trash in it considering it is a trash can on a corner. But trash day was yesterday so it shouldn’t have too much trash.
If you do grab it, spray paint your house numbers on it, so it won’t wander back here.

Part of the gentrification problem

I want to thank John for leading me to this blog about gentrification in Baltimore City [corrected]. Funny, Baltimore is the place I point people to when the gentrified prices of DC are too high.
Which reminds me. TechBalt is not purposefully trying to displace people but move into a poorer neighborhood take over a block and reap a return on their investment.
Wandering around Techbalt’s website I wound up linking to the city of Baltimore’s crime map. It is so cool. Crime isn’t cool but a colorful map of what type of crime happens where is sooo totally cool (yes I grew up in the 80s).

edited to change County to City

Not Georgetown

Shaw is not Georgetown.
Shaw may never be another Georgetown.
Shaw has 3 metro stations; Georgetown 0.
Shaw rocks.

“The folks in Georgetown get what they want!”
“What do you think this is, Georgetown?”
occasionally I hear, at civic meetings the comparison to Georgetown. Not so much now as before but it does creep it’s little head up now and again. Georgetown ain’t all that. I grant you that yes, it is a tony and expensive neighborhood, with tony and expensive shops and restaurants, and expensive people. However the comparison between Georgetown and Shaw is useless in many respects.
With crime, Georgetown is different. Comparing the stats from Police District 2 (Georgetown & west of the park) and Police District 5 (Shaw, Bloomingdale, Galludet area, rest of Ward 5), we’re doing quite well considering. PD 2 has 1,093 thefts for the month of August, PD 5 585. Biggest problem in our area is auto theft with over 800 reports of stolen autos, PD 2 just 231 reports. Of course, west of the park, finding a parking spot is difficult. People just know not to have a car or have a secure garage.
Gangs, probably not too many of those in Georgetown, possibly because little Maison and Jeffrey have overscheduled lives and no time to ‘hang out’. Maybe if Shaw parents were overzealous in getting their children in the BEST preschool and the BEST private school and the BEST college, we wouldn’t have kids hanging out on the corner up to no good. They’d be stuck in some college application enhancing program that will assuredly get them into [insert big name private university here]. There are a lot of parents in Shaw who are just in survival mode, so college and the programs to get their offspring into said programs is an afterthought, if even a thought. So, the children are left alone, on the corner, hanging out.
The people are different. I don’t mean color, but that’s part of it. Besides having over scheduled kids, you have power brokers. Not that non-profit people have no power, but compared to Kennedy wannbes with money for campaigns or other worthy cause donations, and connections we might be a bit more limited in making things happen.
Needs are different. Part of me doubts there are many section 8s living in Georgetown. I know they don’t have the great number of homeless wandering around, waiting around for services as we do here on this end of Shaw. They have horrible traffic. No parking. No metro stations. They have rowdy college kids. Where are the Howard students? Their retail is okay, gawdafully expensive, but ok. We need more retail. We have open air drug markets. I’m quite sure there are drugs in Georgetown, but you gotta know a guy. Prostitution? Both have it, but you can find ours on the street. Some of Shaw’s problems are more visible.
Georgetown and Shaw. Both in the district, but with different needs, people, and environments. A better comparison would be Shaw and Michigan Park, both in Ward 5, both have parking, both have limited retail and both east of the park and west of the river.
[5/27/07 note- As I’ve gotten to know Georgetown more, my attitude about the place has changed.]

In praise of Tilex

I must spread the good news.
Tilex is good for getting rid of nasty mold in your bathroom.
I may have mentioned before that there was some mold growing in our bathtub. Normally I don’t care about the bathroom since I spend so little time in it. But the mold got so bad I did notice it. Now cleaning the bathroom is not my duty. However the mold was untolerable so I took out the Tilex for mold, sprayed and the next day, no mold. No wiping ’cause then I would have taken on extra work. Spraying at things won’t kill me.
I told a friend of mine who lives with 3 guys about the wonders of Tilex. The mold in his bathroom was there longer than some of the guys. He sprayed, shut the door (the fumes are like toxic) and later that day no mold.
I wish there were other things that cleaned themselves. Oh a spray that cleans the kitchen floor (my area to clean) would be nice. Really not into the moping.

Ah what we really need around here is a maid. How much does bimonthly maid service cost?

PSA 501/Bates meeting

I’m going to sum it up.
Didn’t start on time.
Was upstairs in the santuary.
Began with loooong Christian prayer.
Commander Jennifer Greene.
Florida Park Crew vs Sursum Corda crew to blame for shootings.
Mother of shooting victim gives emotional defense of son.
There are 447 parolees in our community.
Hillbilly Herion is being sold in our area.
Citizen- Truancy calls to 311 not being taken seriously by operators.
Citizen- Weed and Seed van useless. It just sits there.
Vincent Orange shows up. Is he up for election this year?
Question: Why can’t we get decent loitering laws?
Answer: Blame the ACLU for challenging it in the courts.
Left meeting, had to finish manic search for lost tool.

Open letter to developer

Dear Developer,
You knocked over half of a building. You left one side open. This looks very attractive were I a person looking for free shelter for the cool Fall weather.
You also left doors unlocked and windows open on your other project. A bit more attractive, for say Winter. If I were a prostitute both locations would make suitable offices for work.
Please secure your property.
Thank you.

The Washington Post Explains All

Ah, wisdom from the Post.
The Saturday edition answered the question of who the heck is buying these frickin luxury condos. According to “So Who’s Buying Them” apparently single people with money, empty nesters downsizing, couples with money, people trading up and investors. There is the theory that the investors are driving the prices up. But really can there be that many investors? As I said before, just say no to the real estate crack.
Also today’s Post answered another question….. What are they doing in the parking lot of the 7th and U CVS at midnight. I passed by a few times on the bus from Woodly heading back home after a dance, seeing these huge pictures and bright lights. I first thought, oh someone making a lowbudget film. Second time, wow taking some time to make that movie. Third time, beats me. Because of the Post I now know that the activity near midnight in the parking lot of the CVS is the Picture Man. Aparently, if you want a picture of you with your bling in front of a picture of a snazzy car, sweeping stairs, or expensive booze, go to the CVS. In Shaw has no bling and will have future pictures taken by semi-professional Aunt In PG County in front of auntie’s 2 year old Saturn. Just keeping it real.
Also in the Post, though not a question since I knew about it. Monies for Section 8 is scarce. And the odd thing is I’m looking at the chart and of the surrounding areas and DC has the most folks on housing vouchers, despite the other areas being oh, I don’t know, bigger. The table isn’t on-line (of course I have dial up so I’m not gonna like hunt for it) but in the print version the is a table from the Metroplitan Washington Council of Governments showing who has how many vouchers. DC leads the pack with 8,921 vouchers. Followed by Montgomery county with 5,413; PG with 4,186; and Fairfax with 3,146. The other counties ranged below 2,000 or were Loudon with 770 or Manassas with 197. Remember these may include senior citizens. DC may shift the burden of rising rents to the tenants. This might push some section 8 folks over the edge, maybe some out to other areas, cheaper areas, or worse homelessness. How could this change the face of Shaw? We might lose our economic diversity. I just wanna keep the old folks. Someone’s gotta hang around the neighborhood besides rowdy teens and I pick the retirees. Yea old people! May they survive the section 8 troubles.