Gentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 1

I have sort of written about history and affordable housing, but the topic of historic preservation and our little corner of Shaw has been popping up. In that I have been trying to examine why I have a certain outlook towards historic preservation, historic districts and history in general. Oh, and then seeing how it applies to gentrification.
Let’s start with history. I like history. Ok, if you know my background you know that’s an understatement. Let’s just say history, the study of, its preservation, interpretation, and related industries, have been very, very good to me. So I think I have a fair background in it to talk about it and know when I’m above my head. Gentrification, I have no background in except my own narrow day to day experience here in Shaw, in the NW section of Washington, DC. I am no expert in urban renewal/gentrification, but I have opinions galore. When it comes to gentrification, I can definitely say I am an amateur.
The DC Preservation League and the DC Planning’s Historic Preservation Office are both useful in getting information about historic districts and preservation as it relates to DC. Now what the DC Preservation League has to say about gentrification is that “changes in the residential make up of a community are part of the constant evolution of a city. They are caused by a complex set of forces–including new development, ease of transportation, and changing urban lifestyles–not specifically by historic district designation.” In other words becoming an historic district does not bring gentrification. In some ways they are right, as Anacostia has an historic district and it isn’t experiencing gentrification pains. LeDroit Park, to my north, is currently an historic district, and the gentrification it is experiencing doesn’t seem to bear any relation to it’s status. Apparently in the early 1970s LeDroit Park became an historic district (see Architectural Style Unique in 2 Areas; Houses In 2 Areas Are Unique By Megan Rosenfeld Washington Post Staff Writer. The Washington Post, Times Herald (1959-1973). Washington, D.C.: Nov 29, 1973. p. B1), but that didn’t save the neighborhood from crackheads, abandonment, and poor maintenance in the 80s and 90s.
Historic preservation can be a tool in the gentrification toolbox. It can result in gentrification and speed up the process by imposing “burdens on low-and-fixed income residents, such as requiring certain types of windows, sidings or paint.” By adding higher maintenance costs, along with higher property taxes in gentrifing neighborhoods there is greater financial pressure for low, fixed, and moderate income families to leave destroying the economic and age diversity in a neighborhood. Also adding to the costs of regular maintenance is the requirement to seek specialized skills and products not available in the neighborhood, bypassing the neighborhood handymen.
However, there is a possible silver lining for income sensitive people if, and that is a big “if”, the community and non-profits fight for federal and local grants, loans, and other assistance to ease some of the financial pressures that historical preservation brings. Developers can mix Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) with federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits (HRTC) to mitigate the costs of building or rehabilitating properties in an historic district. Results of using both tax credits is the creation of mixed use and mixed income properties that help maintain the diversity that attracted many middle class and upper class residents to the Shaw area in the first place. As these tax credits are more aimed at “income producing” properties, the community and non-profits will have to push for local and federal grants, low to no interest loans, freezes on property taxes, as well as technical assistance and guidance regarding maintenance and upgrades for regular homeowners.
There are other aspects of this I’d like to work out and so this is part of a three part series (unless I change my mind and that could always happen or get bored).
ThursdayGentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 2: This Old House vs Old House Journal (what history is, isn’t, maintenance, restrictions and libertarianism)
FridayGentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 3: When it is right (clear vision, community support, flexibility, and diversity)

Historic Preservation and Affordable Housing: Leveraging Old Resources for New Opportunities By David Listokin and Barbara Listokin

Combining Historic Preservation and Income Class Integration: A Case Study of the Butchers Hill Neighborhood of Baltimore By James R. Cohen (University of Maryland)

Latinos in Historic Districts:Whose History? Whose Neighborhood?

Lavaca case study,Community Partners BY The National Trust for Historic Preservation

Bad dog, bad city

Just want to warn walkers. Yesterday night, some neighbors and their dogs were attacked by a loose pit bull near/on the 400 block of R St. One of the neighbors dogs was bitten so badly by the pit that the puncture wound could not be stiched up.
But that wasn’t the worst part of it. When the neighbors sought help from the city reporting the attack, they were met with useless unresponsiveness. One of the dog walkers who was able to grab her dog off the street called 311, while the other dog walker, bleeding, raced his wounded dog to the 24 hour vet. The 311 operator told the female dog walker that she couldn’t report it because she wasn’t the victim of the attack. Then she called animal control and apparently they were unresponsive as well.
She called the mayor’s office and apparently the 311 operator was wrong. You know it’s crap like that, that makes you disrespect the whole 311 non-emergency system. My own experience with 311 is hit and miss. Sometimes they will come right out other times the operator will be dismissive and seem to ignore you right off. I’ve been hung up on as well. And they blurt out their operator number off so fast sometimes you never get it.
Anywho, the police are called today to take a report. When the officer arrives and is told about the incident, upon hearing it happened last night says, “why are you just reporting this today?” Gawd. She called the police yesterday and apparently it wasn’t worth your time to come then and the guy who was attacked was busy taking care of his dog.
Don’t know which is worse the dog attack or the city.

Old House Supplier

I just like looking at their catalog. Renovator’s Old Mill sends me their catalog on a regular basis and I can fantasize about buying antique looking hardware, or wallpaper, or shower heads. But really, am I?
I don’t have anything from the 19th century showing in the house. Zip. Nothing. No cute historical details. All got ripped out, way before I showed up. So there is no pressure to keep a historical theme to any home improvements. I could go completely modern and it would look fine. But part of me wants to bring a little of the 19th century back into the house. I dream of Renovator’s slipper bathtubs.
The other old house supplier I love going to and just looking around at is The Brass Knob and their Back Door’s Warehouse up in Adams Morgan. I spend more time in their warehouse, looking at the tubs and the sinks, doors, radiators and what have you. It is just cool to wander around and dream.

Out into the cold cold world

Well some of my baby plants, have been placed in pots outside. I hope at least 1/2 of them live.
It is getting very crowded in the kitchen where they all have been sitting. I have had to transfer the tomato plants to bigger pots with bigger footprints. I will plant them outside on Tax Day (4/15/2004) which is supposed to be and I hope IS the last frost date for this area. And when we have 50F degree nights the picky citrus will be banished to the backyard.

Big Weekend House Tour

Ah, you know Spring is here when there are more open houses in the hood than you can shake a stick at.
1536 New Jersey Avenue, NW
Price: 429,000
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Fireplace: ?
Basement: Yes, unfinished
Parking: Carriage house
Well I sort of already covered this in yesterday’s post but to repeat, this is a purchase for investors. No wide eyed young dreamers, this house requires some serious work. There is a big hole on the first level where a bathroom was. The basement, was the very definition of unfinished, it was anti-finished. The carriage house, serviceable but in need of saving. The only thing that resemebled looking liveable was the upper apartment level (see picture). If I had to guess at what happened I’d have to say someone started trying to live on the 2nd floor and renovate the rest of the property but clearly was way over their head.
If one had the time and money, one could carve out 3 or 4 apartments. The basement and the 1st and second levels have separate entrances and are completely separate from each other. They all access the carriage house. The carriage house is 2 levels and would make an excellent loft, suped up garage space, mom-in law apartment, guest house, whatever. But all you need is time and money. Oh, and tolerance, as it is next door to a storefront church that can get a bit rowdy.
I was alerted to this house by a postcard the RE agent sent out and by neighbors B. and IT. IT took most of the pictures as I didn’t have my Palm on me. B. was useful as structural lab rat. He climbed the dodgy looking stairs to the second floor of the carriage house, and walked across the bridge. A lot on the property looked dodgy and will require a lot of work and money to fix up.
Offers taken March 23rd. Sold As-Is.

1642 4th St NW

Price: 270,000
Bedrooms: 1 (was 2)
Bathrooms: 1
Fireplace: no
Parking: Rear
B. had to admire the agent’s honesty when describing 1642 as a shell. ‘Cause that is what it was, a shell, a condemnable living space. You could live in this squalor, but for $270K, why? The nice thing about the first floor was the exposed brick (link to picture). In the right light it looked quaint against the faux paint plaster. Yet the house will need about $150K-$200K worth of work to make it livable and nice.
What’s wrong
The nice exposed brick cannot make up for all that is wrong and all that makes it a total gut job. Let’s start with the floors. Very dodgy. There were patches of linoelum and other odd bits and the floor was uneven. The upper level’s floors were worse. It seemed as if you could fall through. Some folks who had followed us took one look at the floor upstairs and turned around. I was with B., the fearless, he rides his bike through traffic without a helmet and walks across floors of question. The floors will need to be ripped up as there is nothing and no part of the floor that can be saved.
Another problem are the ceilings. The first floor’s main rooms had no ceilings, just the bottom of the semi-not there floor of the 2nd level. See the picture to the right and notice where the wall meets the ceiling sort of? Well it doesn’t. The wall stops where it stops. The ceiling is dodgy too(see picture).
Stairs. The stairs in the carriage house at 1536 New Jersey seemed more secure than the ones here. I was afraid to walk on them if another person was on them as well.
Last in the grand list of why the house needs to be totally gutted, is the layout. The only bathroom is on the first floor, behind the kitchen. There used to be 2 bedrooms, and one could carve 2 small bedrooms out in it’s current layout, but the best thing would be to knock out the back wall and build up from it’s current footprint up to the second level. From there a bathroom on the second floor could be put in, as well as a two decent sized bedrooms (or 1 bedroom 1 office), and if keeping the same footprint, one could still have parking in the back, replacing the huge 1960-1970s behemouth sitting out there now.
At $270K, if this thing goes under contract today (today they take bids) and sells for the going price, I will not question my tax assessment.

1614 New Jersey Ave
Price: 669,900
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2.5
Fireplace: 1 or more
Basement: no
Parking: back
On this block there was this and another house. The other house was a FSBO (for sale by owner) and not an open house. I only go to open houses as I don’t want to waste anyone’s time. Nothing I can really say about the house’s structure, the things that make me want to comment is how the current owners have furnished and use the space. Any way I have pictures.Pix no. 1 and pix no. 2. It is in move in condition (once the owners move out) and doesn’t have any glaring issues with paint or moulding. It is a very contemporary looking house.

425 Q St, NW
Price: 549,000
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2.5
Fireplace: ?
Basement: no
Parking: off street
Curvy, is a way to describe this house. Well done and ready to move into. It has a nice feel. I particularly liked the stairwell and hallway to the kitchen as they had windows and touches that were nice. Anyway, pictures below:

Beautiful Ruins

I’ll post the grande weekend house tour later, but I have to talk about 1636 New Jersey Ave, which had it’s open house yesterday. Quick statement about the place, it would be an excellent opportunity for an investor with a lot of time, money, and vision. Or someone with a lot of time and money. What it could be is wonderful, what it is now is crap. The best thing about the place is the ‘ruins’ or the carriage house out back. Wandering inside I could envision a dance space, an artist’s studio, or two huge Hummers (the official car of SATAN). The other neat thing about the carriage house was that it had a loft area and there was this wonderful little bridge that joined the upper part of the carriage house to the 2nd floor of the main house (pictured above, thanks IT). So if you have $429,000 plus the extra $200-300K for renovations these beautiful ruins could be yours.

Free Mulch

via James Berry

It has come to my attention that wood chips/mulch will me available at
the locations listed below on Monday, March 21, 2005 until they are all
gone. Please note that these materials are for the use of residents for their
yards, tree boxes and in our community parks.


Jim Berry

84 Rhode Island Avenue, NW Yolanda’s Cleaners
1743 lincoln Road, NE Harry Thomas Community Center
1st & Florida NW Park at R & Florida Avenue
N. Capitol & Fla. Ave. NW Park on NWcorner of Fla. Ave.
43 Adams Street, NW In the Rear of Adams

When is gentrification done?

I’m just wondering out loud here, but I was thinking, when do you stop being transitional and just be? Shaw, by far, is not the first DC neighborhood to experience gentrification. Georgetown, that horribly expensive neighborhood with the obnoxiously expensive stores, used to be black and more economicly diverse. So was the West End which is Foggy Bottom. Now these are expensive, non-transitional neighborhoods, and so not diverse (Euro-trash of any shade does not count).
Then there are neighborhoods that seem to be continuously transitioning and have been transitioning for a forever and a half. Capitol Hill comes to mind. Of course the borders of Capitol Hill keeps changing and will include the parking lot of RFK, and the gates of Gallaudet University at this rate. And apparently, and I could be wrong, Adams Morgan has been transitioning for over 20 years.
So what will Shaw be? Well the borders are set by what was the Shaw Middle School district as it was in the 60s, and butts up to North Capitol a big dividing line, so it won’t be like Cap Hill. But even comparing the core of Cap Hill, we don’t have the same architecture, the same historical district pressures, or tourist pressures (thank G-d). It could be like Adams Morgan where the lower classes and fixed income folks are constantly in peril, in danger of losing their homes as the middle and upper classes improve the homes and define the commercial strips. Or will we be like Georgetown and Dupont, where the working class has been kicked to the curb?
Oh well, the only way to find out is to stick around.

443 R Street, NW

This former In Shaw blog house of the week, is now up for sale after many, many months of off and on construction. The price, I’m sorry, I know I wrote that I accepted the prices around here but $575,000 is crack fueled. Yes, it is two units. However, it is ugly. Even with the new ulitarian staircase to the 2nd floor, still ugly and a lovely example of crackhead design.
Outside of the absolutely non-landscaped property were a few flyers about the property. The flyer tells me that it is 2 units and shows three ways to finance the purchase of this thing. No money down, with $3K in cash for closing and other costs, this bad boy will cost you $2,913.53 a month. The flier does tell you to go to a website where more info on the houses features is presented.
From the pictures the inside seems nice but I remember how this thing looked as it was getting built. It started off as a one level shop and they built up. As they were building I was confused by their logic and the upper level with no stairs confused me. Hated the vinyl siding. Then at times, for days, the property was unsecured, building materials left outside in the rain, and no activity for weeks, like all construction was abandoned. Then at points it looked like (and this is just my uninformed opinion) they gave up on the project and settled to sell it.

Trinidad gets it’s dance on

Frozen Tropics has been doing a great job documenting the changes over in the NE neighborhood of Trinidad and the H Street area. One of those changes has been the addition of the Joy Of Motion’s (JOM) Atlas Dance Studio which has it’s grand opening this week (March 14-26). As one who has taken classes at the JOM’s Bethesda and Friendship Heights locations, I’m glad to see classes a 90 bus ride away.
Until the Spring session they are doing drop in classes for now.
Tomorrow they are offering adult classes in Hip Hop, Modern dance, Yoga, Salsa and Social Ballroom. I’ve been meaning to take social ballroom… girl needs to know how to foxtrot when it’s too slow to lindy hop
They also have their slew of youth dance classes so there’s something for the kids, Pre-K to 12, too.