This time around I decided to have both spouses on the bill. Mainly because when I look at the few land records for 117 O St NW, the wife’s name is right up there with her husband. But I may revert to just one owner, it’s simpler that way.
Like Christina Mack‘s property, this too goes with the old lot number and not a more precise lot number that would differentiate one part of lot 4, in this case, from another house on old lot four.

There are just two land records, a release and a deed. Like Mrs. Mack and Mrs. Schools, the property was sold to the District of Columbia. It looks like I’ve stumbled upon the city buying up the properties to create Armstrong. In this case the city got the property in 1922.
The land records do not tell me how much the city paid for the property. If some one could point me to a source, I’d love to see it. I don’t know if the Forrests got a decent price. I suspect not. I located a 60 year old Jesse (no ‘i’) Forrest living at 116 Q St NW on a World War II draft card. He was not the owner of 116 Q St.
Edith, was Edith Green. Her mother, Roberta Green was living with the family in 1920. In 1900, little 8 year old Edith lived with her mother and father, George Green, as renters at 1520 3rd St NW. They were tenants of Richard Thornton, whose property ownership has already been reviewed.
I did a name search in the land records. After the property was transferred to the city, Mrs. Forrest bought a bunch of expensive furniture from the Julius Lansburgh Furniture Company, totaling $300 in October 1922. The furniture was to go to 117 O St NW. Was the city allowing them to stay in the property until they were ready to raze it for the school?