Final Presentation for Langston and Slater Schools

I’m going to take a break from Dr. Carter Grumpypants Woodson to bring up a presentation regarding Truxton Circle’s eyesores of Langston and Slater schools.
I’m just going to copy/paste Bradley A. Thomas’ letter:

The final presentation of the ten proposals for the redevelopment of the Langston and Slater school buildings will take place this Thursday, February 11, 2021, beginning at 6:30 pm.  Please review the slides from each of the applicants which I want to thank Bates Area Civic Association President David Hall for putting together into a single link.
You can view all ten of the proposals here .
To view this Thursday’s final disposition presentation, log in at the link below by 6:20 pm on February 11, 2021: 
Five days later, on February 16, 2021, ANC5E will vote on a resolution specifying which elements of the various presentations our community wants to see in the final development plan.  We are not being asked to state a preference for one development team over the others.  We are being asked to indicate which ideas we like best.  If you want to, and haven’t already done so, you can submit to me your individual preferences anytime between now and 11:59 pm on Friday, February 12, 2021.  After that, over the weekend, I will put together our collective thinking into a concise resolution which I will ask the Commissioners of ANC5E to support at our public meeting on the following Tuesday night. 
For the record, so far four residents have sent me their thoughts and I suspect that after the final presentation on this Thursday, I will get several more.   Thank you all for participating in this process which will impact our neighborhood for decades to come.  
Because someone’s bedtime is around that time, and Destructo is the king of delay (5 more minutes!), it’s unlikely we’ll see all of this live. But for you with children who go to bed or put themselves to bed or without kids, please participate and finally do something with this. It is possible.