Beau Thai- A peek

I peeked into Beau Thai (unopened) and it looks lovely, the paper is off the floor, the lights are cute, it looks simple and nice. There is nothing in there, but what is (floor, paint, hardwired lights) there is lovely looking.

Today at 7pm Beau Thai is to be at the CCCA meeting to get support for BZA approval to be a sit down restaurant.

2 thoughts on “Beau Thai- A peek”

  1. Mari, did you attend the CCCA meeting last night? Any highlights for us? There were a lot of items of interest on the agenda. I wasn’t able to make it, unfortunately.

  2. I showed up fashionably late (25 mins) and then it was over. Let it be recorded as one of the shortest meetings evah!
    What I did find out was the Beau Thai owner is waiting for the inspector. Let’s give that a couple of weeks. She also said that someone is working on a website for the biz and a menu, that should be started/up this or next week.
    I asked about Toque. Well for one the smoke detector needs a new battery, that thing chirped up a storm. But they can open, when will they open, I don’t remember the answer.
    I did come in at the point of the meeting where the protest at 7th and RI/R was mentioned. There is no sense of urgency there.

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