Friday Night Parking on O St NW

O St Parking Friday
Originally uploaded by In Shaw

I’ve added a few more photos to the Flickr pool and would love it if there were more contributors. This was taken at about 8:30pm on a Friday night in front of the Bundy Field and the NW Co-Op 2. Please note the parking.Feel free to make comparisons with U Street and Dupont at about the same time of day.

3 thoughts on “Friday Night Parking on O St NW”

  1. From Shaw listserve this am:

    Dear Friends and Neighbors:

    The District Department of Real Estate Services (formerly the Office of Property Management) has reviewed the parking requirements for the District's Child Advocacy Center coordinated by Safe Shores at the Bundy School.*

    With approximately 17 spaces available on the school lot, the site will require an additional 42 spaces in the back lot. This should leave approximately 8,800 square feet of space available for other use.

    As a reminder, the back lot is owned by the Federal government. The District cannot proceed with any plans (parking or otherwise) until after the land transfer is complete and funding is identified.

    *The Safe Shores project is part of the District's continuing effort to become a model jurisdiction by expanding the service capacity for children who are victims of physical and sexual abuse. Construction will be complete in November 2009. Subsequently, staff from the US Attorney's Office, Office of the Attorney General, Metropolitan Police Department, Child and Family Services and the non-profit Safe Shores will move in and begin operations.

    Robin-Eve Jasper, Director
    DC Department of Real Estate Services

  2. On the 400 block of O Street. I took some pictures on Sunday morning around 9 and 10:30AM and there was lots of parking on P around 9AM. Around 10:30, there was a little less parking, but parking was here and there.
    There are fewer spaces on 5th Street most of the time. But note that not a whole lot of houses face P and O, and people like to park in front of their abodes.

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