Thinking tax write off

Okay I had my contractor save the unused pine flooring, extra insulation and some other stuff, that in some wonderful fantasy world I was going to use in a project. Screw it, I wound up donating some of it to Community Forklift. This weekend I dumped off for a receipt saying I gave them 100 sq ft of heart pine flooring, that they will in turn sell at $3 a sq ft. Earlier I donated some unopened cans of paint, extra tile, and a bunch of face plates. A friend of mine donated a chandelier she hated.
So before the craziness of the end of the year donation blitz starts in December, if you have some extra boxes of tile or other flooring, cabinets, full cans of paint, light fixtures, kitchen sinks, think about calling up the folks up CF (they seem to like a heads up) and dropping off your stuff. You’ll clear up some space and get a tax write off.

2 thoughts on “Thinking tax write off”

  1. Sorry to be off topic again. But I wanted to clarify that I only like the shirts and posters from the link that I left above. The overall site it too right wing for my taste.

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