Stuff catching on fire

What’s going on?
In the wee hours Eastern Market catches fire.
Then this afternoon the Georgetown library catches on fire.
See more at DCFD, and scroll down to the working incidents stories. Also the April 18th shows the fire at the sign shop on New York Ave, and the apartment fire on 6th St.
Eastern Market people, don’t let the city sit on this for years on end. Start planning the rebuild….now! Lest ye have an O Market situation, lotsa planning and pretty architectural drawings, building in stasis.

5 thoughts on “Stuff catching on fire”

  1. Isn’t it funny (strange)… as DC’ers we see the train coming but are powerless to do anything about it. Endless hearings on historical preservation versus updating the market. Some city council person will try to give a developer rights to develop “mixed use” on the site. A lawsuit will be filed. Then the race card will be played, and some preacher will hold a demonstration outside the (long abandoned) Eastern Market. Finally a snowstorm in 2012 will cause the remaining walls to collapse. In 2020 the “Eastern Market Condos” will open for occupancy advertising real “city market” ambiance and tres trendy avocado green appliances.

    I hope I’m wrong…

    – Jeff

  2. jeff
    the timeline of 2012 seems about right…maybe 2014. 2014 will be about the time O Street market will be operating.

    i bet the georgetown library is open before the shaw library and lets see how fast a temporary library is set up near wisconsin and R.

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