Bike Shop in Western Shaw/ Logan Circle

The Prince of Petworth has a post about a Bike Shop/Video Rental at 1320 14th St NW.
What I love about it is that it’s two businesses in one. In a world of Netflix, I’m not too sure how well a video store will do. But a bike shop, particularly one that isn’t too high end….. Let me explain. I have a crappy 3 speed bike that I bought off of Craigslist for about $140. It is part of a long string of no name used bikes that I buy that are ugly yet functional. I see no reason to have a top of the line bike to run errands on and leave on the street to get stolen. I used to get my bike fixed at Chain Reaction, but that non-profit bike shop closed. So when I went to the next nearest bike shop, I was told that they could not touch my bike because their insurance wouldn’t cover it. This forced me to try to fix my own bike. I did a so-so job and really I’m willing to pay someone to do it for me, but sometimes the bike shop in Adams Morgan is a bit far. So I have to check out the bike part of this store.

Leaving the keys & walking away

Lost keys
Originally uploaded by In Shaw

Please don’t do that. I’ve only heard two people actually say that out loud about their houses. Neither one of them live in the DC metro area. One was my mom, and this is a periodic threat, so I don’t take it that seriously. The other was some guy from the mid-west visiting, who got a little over his head.
When I was passing out fliers yesterday, I came across this scene of keys on the fence and thought of that phrase of leaving the keys and walking away. As far as I know these are some lost keys in front of a house that doesn’t look occupied.
From what little I know, walking away does not help, unless the house is actually worth more than what’s owed, because at some point the bank will come after you for the difference.