Anyone in the Upper TC or MidCity region need fresh laurel bay leaves?

Baby leaves on the bay laurel
Originally uploaded by jpob

I brought my laurel bay in the house for the winter and I need to cut back. I’m going to dry a bunch of the leaves and give them away as Christmas gifts. I am aware of crafts that involve green laurel bay leaves, so if anyone needs a branch of green leaves, and you live within a quarter (0.25) of a mile of the intersection of Q and NJ Ave I’ll be happy to drop some off at your house. Email me at mari at inshaw periud com.

4 thoughts on “Anyone in the Upper TC or MidCity region need fresh laurel bay leaves?”

  1. Is this like the bay leaf spice that you buy? Can you describe the plant? i.e woody? bush? tree? 3 foot tall? annual? Did you grow it from seed?

    Thanks !!!
    ps You really do discuss the most interesting subjects.


  2. Yes, this is the same type of bay leaf that one would buy, but I haven’t bought bay from the store in a forever. One thing, I think the leaf has to be dried out if you’re going to cook with it.
    My bay, I got from a gardening store as a 6 inch plant. It is now about 5 feet tall, and I need to prune it. You can find out about the plant’s growing habits at this link.

  3. You can cook with fresh bay leaves. WF on P St sells them. 🙂
    Would you share where you bought the plant?

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