Metropolitan Police enforce anti-loitering law this weekend in designated areas of PSAs 312 and 606

Chief of Police Charles H. Ramsey has declared two drug free zones this weekend – one in the Third Police District, the other in the Sixth District – for purposes of enforcing DC’s Anti-Loitering/Drug Free Zone law. The law allows police to disperse groups of two or more individuals congregating for the purpose of illegal drug activity within the designated drug free zone.

The boundaries of the two drug free zones are as follows:

* In PSA 312, the area generally bounded by P Street, NW, on the north; New York Avenue and N Street, NW, on the south; 1st Street, NW, on the west; and North Capitol Street, NW, on the east.
* In PSA 606, the area generally along Anacostia Road and 37th Place, SE, just south of B Street, SE.

Each drug free zone designation is in effect from 12:01 am on Thursday, July 17, until 12 midnight on Monday, July 21. The law permits drug free zone designations for no longer than 120 hours.

Additional information about the Anti-Loitering/Drug Free Zone Act, including details about the two most recent drug free zones declared by Chief Ramsey, can be found on the Metropolitan Police Department website:

There was a robbery on the 1600 block of NJ Ave. A house where there was some renovations going on (no one was living there) had it’s 2nd floor window broken and property was stolen.