
From Logan Circle Discussion List:

LoganCircleNews] Announcement: Ecycling in Washington DC Sept and Oct

Blessings All,

(please forgive the cross postings)

It is time to recycle those old computers and other electronics in the

District of Columbia. Currently the District only recycles these

“household hazardous materials” twice a year.

NBC4 Digital Edge Expo will be presenting their green alley again this

year. You will be able to bring your electronic items to the New

Washington Convention Center Sept 18 and 19 from 9 to 5pm.

The District will hold its regular recycling day at the Carter Baron

Amphitheatre at 16th and Kennedy Streets, NW from 9am to 3pm on October

23rd, 2004

Please help us protect the environment by disposing of electronics and

other technology properly. If you are worried about lead in your water

you should also be worried about lead in the air you breath. Dispose of

these electronics properly.

If you have computer parts that need repair do not give them to non

profit organizations most of them are not able to pay for the repairs.

If you have working equipment we have a technology donation program were

we take computers to give to needy families. Call us for more details


For more information contact the dept of public works 202.727.1000.

A sample list of items

Memory Chips

Tape Drives

Floppy Drives



Fax Machines


Audio/Visual Equipment

CD ROM Drives

TVs (19″ or less)


Scrap Computer Plastic





Hard Drives

Network/Video/Sound Cards

Cell Phones

Power Supplies

Scrap Computer Metal

Copy machines

Peace and Blessings

Shireen Mitchell


Executive Officer – Digital Sisters, Inc.

CFC# 5630 DC One Fund #9504

DCWW GROW Coordinator

Main Office 202.722.Ytec



BACA mtg: I go so U won’t have to

That’s the crux of it, that and get politically involved by becoming a supporting force by donating time and treasure to a particular candidate. And when you do, then the politicians will truly serve you.
Let’s go over the meeting shall we?
We started on time. Whoo!
The Peanut gallery did not show. WhooHoo!
First, but not on the agenda was Ofc. Grey from the 501 Police Service area who went over crime stats. Yet the meeting attendees weren’t interested in stats, though the sheet passed around was very interesting. The subject of interest was the shootings on the unit and 100 blk of Q St. Marianne was very fair and understanding with Ofc, Grey but she wanted answers.
Next, was Mr. Willie Doggett, volunteer with Cluster 21’s Community Emergency Response Team. Basically, Civil Defense. You get free stuff when you volunteer. See their website for more info.
Followed by Andrew Pollard of the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Group. Get on his mailing list to know what’s happening in the neighborhood with crime and services at acpollard1 AT msn PERIOD com. Or get in touch with Jim Berry to get the right e-mail if I got it wrong.
Lastly was Ms. Linda Perkins, Constituent Services Coordinator from Councilman’s Vincent Orange’s office. She spoke about how DC govt works. If anyone wants to expand on this, that’s what “comments” are for.
Afterwards, Jim Berry (ANC 5C01?)went on a riff that seemed to be coming from frustration. Maybe anger, I don’t know, anyone ever see Jim angry? There was a decent debate, and I truly mean debate, between Jim and Ms. Perkins on how priority is determine based on votership and political strength of an area.
Jim did something that I would like to expand on in another post on another day, where he compared Truxton Circle (ie Bates) to other parts of Ward 5, like Bloomingdale, Michigan Park and Woodridge. Apparently those areas have political clout, and don’t have to ask Councilman Orange twice to come to their meetings. They also don’t have to deal with some of our burdens that the city has burdened Truxton and it’s adjoining areas with. Maybe because there are a greater number of people who come out to vote AND donate a significant amount of time and treasure to the candidates, than our area. Maybe.
But you, my Green/Democratic/ Republican friend can help. Today, you can drag yourself to the polls. If you’re independent like me, you’ll stay in and wait till November, but in the meantime harass your party affiliated friends to vote.
This is me harassing you.
Vote dammit.

Correction Bates Civic Assoc Meeting

Oh last week I said the meeting was on the 6th, which happened to have been Labor day. Opps. My bad.
Meeting is tonight. Mt. Sinai Baptist Church @ 3rd and Q. Go up the stairs, inside, then down the stairs and to your right. Starts either 7 or 7:30, take your pick.
Once again I’ll show up and if I am not stricken by shear boredom, or a deep desire to leave and play Civilization, I’ll report on it.

Most likely I’ll show. Pop by and say “hi”.

Bates St Meeting Tonight

Via Jim Berry


This is to remind you that a monthly meeting of the Bates Area Civic

Association, Inc. will take place tonight, at Mount Sinai Baptist

Church, 3rd and Q Streets, N.W., Rooms 1 and 2, commencing at 7:00 p.m.

Invited guests include Andrew Pollard, Convener of the Tuesday Morning

Breakfast Club; Willie Doggett, Volunteer, Cluster 21 Community Emergency

Response Team; and Linda Perkins, Constituent Services Coordinator in the Office

of Councilmember Vincent Orange.

Ordinarily, this meeting is held on the first Monday of each month;

however,the first Monday in September 2004 was the Labor Day holiday.

Hope to see you there!


J. Berry

Eating in Eastern Shaw: Ella’s

I finally gave them money in exchange for food and drink. And it was good.
I didn’t go for brunch as I had already done brunch in Georgetown and really wasn’t up to plopping down $12 bucks. I just wanted something light. I had tea and a waffle. Yes, I know, throwing my low carb, let’s now call it mid-carb diet out the window.
I had my meal out on the patio so I could observe the street traffic and ponder the New York Avenue-Florida Avenue-Gaulludet University-Your Name Here Metro station. There were some potential dangers of sitting outside. The first that went though my mind was harassment by beggars. That was not the case as this is not one of those neighborhoods. There are homeless but I think it is a given that begging may just be a fruitless business in this area. Second, getting ignored by staff. It times I wondered, “hey where’s my bill?” Maybe people don’t sit out there often. Out of sight…. Last, bugs. For the past few weekends, my outdoor meals have been hampered by aggressive wasps. It is very hard to eat all you can eat when there is a frickin wasp between you and your food. Luckily, no bugs.
While pondering the yet to be open but already has a horrible long name metro station, I people watched. I watched an Anglo family of three try to hail a cab. After a while they gave up and hopped the 80 Kennedy Center bus. Traffic violations, that’s another thing to spot. If anyone has forgotten… it is illegal to have your cell phone to your ear and drive in DC.
I guess I should talk about the food. Waffle good. Waffle $3. It had cinnamon and sugar on top and I had syrup on the side. I also had tea. Tea is tea. They had English Breakfast, that’s all I care about as I don’t want some stinkin’ herbal and I don’t care for Earl Grey.
Oh, another good point. Ella’s takes credit cards. I like a place that takes cards, as I typically avoid carrying cash.

True Crime

Okay I had no intention of posting today. None.
But I witnessed an assault. And I took pictures.
Well I was taking pictures of houses in the Mt. Vernon part of Shaw and was heading over back to my section. I pass this house on New Jersey and N, and I hear this wailing and banging. This guy, was just screaming. I can’t remember if it was “I’ll kill you” or “Die bitch.” But he was screaming and hitting something and I could hear it from the street.. with headphones on. There were other people along NJ who heard this mayhem too and were looking at the house. When I looked back, he was outside the steel door kicking it and demanding to be let back in. He kept saying he was going to call the police and so he went walking with this huge 1×4 over to the firestation on the corner of N & NJ.
A few moments later 3 guys walk out. One with one of those yellow wet floor signs, and another with a 5 ft wooden step ladder. They walk up New Jersey. Screaming guy sees them and starts wailing on them with the 1×4 in the yard of the firestation.
This is when I call 9-1-1.
I give a lovely play by play to the dispatcher. As I’m doing so a blue police van drives up and breaks up the fight. I mention this to the dispatcher and he tells that according to the colors it’s DC Housing Authority Police. Ok. Whatever. Then 1 minute later a police car from the 1st District shows up. Then followed by another 1D car.
At the end of all this, there were 5 police vehiles in the driveway of the firehouse. Two from 1D one from 3D, and I can’t remember if the other was 5D and the DCHA Police van. All to handle a guy with a big stick. In the end no one, as far as I could tell, was arrested. Stick man told the police he was heading back to wherever and a police woman said she thought that would be a good idea. I lost track of ladder guy. I stuck around because I did get a call back from the police but the police wound up interviewing a woman on the other side of N St. I was not going to jump up and down to get their attention. I left when it all broke up.

Then I went for brunch at Ella’s.

Garden Report

The joys of urban gardening. This summer has been very, very good to me with the rains and the not too hot heat. I’ve had a so-so yield of blueberries, decent output of tomatoes and the herbs I never eat are flourishing.
The problem with urban gardening, well gardening for me, is that I have a typical postage stamp yard. It could be worse, it could be smaller. I could have bought a bigger house, but it didn’t have a yard. Not only is the yard small, it doesn’t get a lot of “full sun”. When I had the DC Agricultural Extention person out, yes, they’ll come out, she wasn’t hopeful about my gardening prospects. So I’ve been picky about what grows in the few areas of the tiny yard that gets the good dirt and the full sun.
When I first started digging for the garden you wouldn’t believe the crap I found in the dirt. Besides the ten zillion bits of broken glass, reminants of an ugly red carpet, I have found money. Not silver dollars, (I wish) but dimes, nickels, good stuff.
After all that work, I wanted the plants to give back. No ornamentals for me. No. I want food producing plants. Also it is a cool thing to be cooking and walk outside and grab one of the ingredients. Neat.

I’m going to take a short break so I’ll have no posts over the weekend.

House O the Fortnight

I think I forgot last week. Anywho. I pick 1603 New Jersey Avenue as the house of the week. Well the reasons why this house deserves a look, especially from you all who live in Eastern Shaw/ Truxton Circle and can walk by, is the top of the house. That little upstairs porch (or whatever you call it) is to die for. I’ve always thought it was the cutest thing ever, even before it was renovated.
Just imagine waking up, going outside on a glorious morn and looking down upon New Jersey Ave… ooh! A drug bust! No, really, that would be cool. Just to sit out there, above the traffic and have a private (no other balconies on the neighboring houses) view of the city below. Cool.

A walk down 14th St

After work I was determined to get 1 bag of rice from Fresh Fields (now Whole Foods). 1 bag. So out the U Street metro I wandered down 14th St. 14th Street is the way cool street of Shaw. It’s not my part of Shaw, but it is Shaw and it is way cool. The sky seemed almost ready to wet itself and me so I didn’t have time to fool around, but there were some stores that just begged for a walkthrough.
I haven’t been in Home Rule for the longest. I think the last time I was in there was to buy the organza curtains for what is now my roommate’s room. They still have those curtains, they are still $30 a panel. There are several neat kitchen things in bins that screamed “take me!” “no, me!” If it weren’t for the $15 price tag I may have actually bought the kitchen frangrances they were selling.
I skipped Go Mamma Go, Pulp and that new 100% Mexican store. I really need to go into the Mexican store. But I did not pass The Garden District I passed through it. They still got herbs, like I need more herbs. I bought my passionflower vine from them, the one taking over the fence.
Okay, Fresh Fields, bag of rice.
I also passed all the new condo construction on 14th and P. This area is going to get so crowded once all this is done. Goodbye to finding any parking. Part of me is happy people want to live in Shaw, and that Shaw is becoming hip/cool/ whatever, but how much is too much? How many more non-garden style/ high rise condos are going to be built? And really are there that many people with $300K-$700K to spend on a condo around?
I did get my bag of rice, and some granola.

Elements of Crackhead design

My second floor toilet is a lovely example of crackhead design. The *&^%!! thing is incased in the tile. If I wanted to replace the toilet I’d have to replace the whole friggin’ floor. The toilet is supposed to sit on top of the floor, not in the floor. The following is a picture of what it should look like.
This is what I mean when I get annoyed with the house and proclaim that it was designed by crackheads. Well I know it was designed by an untrustworthy Nigerian named Sonny (Do not let this man design anything for you) and his crew of underpaid workers. I discovered late that although Sonny did work on several of the houses on the block, they were houses fixed for sale, not for living in. There is a huge difference.
Crackheads are cheap. They do crappy work. You will know a crackhead did your house when you look at something and go, “what the heck/hell/f*c* were they thinking?” It could be a toilet, or a wall, or a floor, or any little thing in the house where it just doesn’t make sense.