Jim Berry fighting against more Section 8 housing

Jim Berry fighting against more Section 8 housing
From: “JBerry”
To: “‘Jeannette.Johnson
Subject: North Capitol Townhomes Limited Partnership Affordable Housing Production Project
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 20:12:31 -0400

Ms. Johnson,

Thank you for establishing contact with me concerning the above-referenced subject. There is a glitch in ANC 5C’s telephone service with Verizon that we are in the process of correcting. That is, the telephone mail box for ANC 5C is shared between 12 commissioners and due to a progressive increase in the volume of calls that we have been receiving from members of the
general public over the last six months, we plan to significantly expand its capacity in the immediate future. Nevertheless, for your information and future reference, I can be reached daily, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at (202) *******and at (202) ******** during the evening hours.

As you may know, I volunteer my time and talents to my neighbors via my service to Advisory Neighborhood Commission 5C and, because we don’t have an office manager at the time, there is a predictable delay in my receipt of calls transmitted to our office number.

I appreciate your advising me of Ms. Matthias’ availability next week, but my written request of the DHCD was to meet with its Director, Mr. Stanley Jackson. Hence, I am at a loss to understand why a meeting with Ms. Matthias is being offered as a preliminary step towards the attainment of this goal.

It appears that the DHCD intends to move with dispatch to facilitate the release of Community Block Grant Funds in order that an out of town developer can implement the proposed North Capitol Townhomes Project and, frankly, I fear that it may succeed with this unfortunate and
unacceptable plan while I am engaged in and, possibly, being distracted by offers and arrangements to meet with surrogates of Mr. Jackson’s.

As I have previously indicated, DHCD’s existing plans to continue a subsidized housing program for the next 30 years in my neighborhood, that has not yielded a single homeowner as a result of its implementation over the past 21, strikes me as an abomination that I/we who are also
heavily invested in this community, must resist by all possible means. Indeed, I have shared this position with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton’s representative, with Ward Five Council Member Vincent B. Orange and other members of the D.C. City Council, and I plan to elaborate on this position in a meeting with officials from the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development that I plan to have in the immediate future.

It is my hope that reason will ultimately prevail in this unfortunate situation and that the DHCD will abandon its current plan, in favor of one that promotes and facilitates homeownership (especially, for those participants in the Bates Street Limited Townhomes Project of
longstanding). Indeed, if the DHCD and the local government is serious about and
committed to the goal of helping those who live in subsidized housing to evolve
into homeowners, now is the ideal time to implement such a program which, I believe, would represent a “win-win” situation for all of the stakeholders involved.


James D. Berry, Jr.
Chairperson, ANC 5C

There was a robbery on the 1600 block of NJ Ave. A house where there was some renovations going on (no one was living there) had it’s 2nd floor window broken and property was stolen.

Hello All,

Just a friendly reminder about the PSA 312+Hanover Place discussion
continuation. In last week’s meeting the group agreed to meet during the
second hour of the PSA 314 meeting scheduled for tomorrow March 19, 2003
from 7pm to 9pm. The flyer above outlines the format. The location of the
meeting is at New Covenant Evangelistic Center – 1418 New Jersey Avenue, NW.

Part II will be dedicated to discussing ways to mobilize, reclaim,
revitalize and sustain. Please bring ideas, possible solutions, service
issues, Hansen/tracking numbers from 727-1000, and nuisance properties.

See you there.

Todd Anthony Douglas
Ward 5 NSC
Executive Office of the Mayor
Office of the City Administrator
1801 Hamlin ST., NE
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-576-8100
Fax: 202-576-8102

Email contact

Updated 2/7/06
Contacting InShaw
Although Mari is not the sole writer of the InShaw blog she is still the queen and high head webmistress, so all communications regarding the blog shall be directed towards her.

mari at in shaw period com

Please have a subject line, better yet a precise subject line, something that will help me determine if the mail is not spam without having to open it. Subject lines like “hi” “your blog” and “re:” or “fwd:” lines that I haven’t been a part of are doomed to the trash bin. Can’t think of one? Then use “Truxton Circle” and it will be opened. (warning this open sesame subject line may change if spammers catch on).

Quick Faq:
1. I am not a journalist or “writer”. I’m a librarian and archivist, so press releases may or may not wind up on the main InShaw website. Also requests for me to show up at some media thing or to write for any publication not devoted to librarianship or archives theory may be ignored or rejected because it isn’t my thing.
2. The neighborhood of Shaw in lovely unrepresented Washington, DC is the main focus of this blog. Occasionally, surrounding neighborhoods, and general city living are covered. I don’t do clubs or bars so despite being in Shaw, I ignore them. I also spare readers from some personal stuff besides it’s quite boring anyway.
3. It is all about me. I feel no obligation to write or not write about something because the blog is at its core an expression of my self-centeredness.
4. Comments are allowed or deleted at my discretion. The general rule is put your name or initials behind what you say, no cursing, and please attempt to be respectful of others.
5. Link to what ever. You don’t need my permission to put a link to an article or your blog. Most requests I get tend to be spam anyway so I ignore them without reading them. However if you are a print or broadcaster I would like some heads up.
6. I will link to whomever I darned well please. I generally link to other bloggers whom I have broken bread with or whose blogs I really, really, like. You want to feed me for a link? Email me and let me make a reservation at Café Atlantico or Equinox and I still have to like your blog.
7. The works created on InShaw are written under a creative commons license. If you are a commercial entity and you want to use my pictures or my text beyond whatever falls under ‘fair use’ you have to contact me and get my permission.
8. Other contributors are responsible for their content. Comments will definitely be deleted if there is something illegal in them.
9. Depending on how much e-mail I get I try to answer questions about the neighborhood. If I don’t know, I will tell you I don’t know.
10. If you want to advertise, I’ll take advertisement, but I get to say no if I don’t like it.


In Shaw
In Shaw is my little website that is occasionally abandoned for other interests and then rediscovered when I get inspired to update it, which could be every other blue moon. This is not to be confused with the other excellent sites covering Shaw, hosted by people with more energy than little old me, such as ShawDC.Com .

In Shaw (Now with more gentrification)
Is the blog. The main topics are gentrification, culture clashes between the different races and classes living in Shaw, home repair, home ownership, observations of going ons in the neighborhood, city living, and whatever I feel like posting. I do have other personal blogs where I post things that are only of interest to the people who know and love/loathe me, I will try to spare InShaw readers from any personal information, and post that boring stuff elsewhere.

If you want to advertise on InShaw.com or the blog contact me. So far my rates are a)dinner; b)money equaling that of dinner. All ads must be approved by me.

I am a moderate conservative. Some days a tad liberal, other days quite conservative and the posts may reflect that. On the subject of gentrification I tend to lean to the right, with some sympathies to the victims of gentrification.

Please keep comments short as the current Blogger template likes to cut off posts. If you are a Blogger.com user and logged in your comments should be recognized as you. If you are just a random person PLEASE initial or leave a nickname in your post so I can ID you from one anonymous person from another.
I am sensitive to foul language, long posts, and incoherent rambling that is not my own. I can delete posts at my whim. I have the right to delete them if I really can’t tolerate the idea of words I don’t like sitting on servers I pay to use.

Postings shall occur whenever. They could be once every quarter, month, week, day. As of the Summer of 2004 postings are about 5x a week, with some postings on weekends. As there is just one poster, me, postings can drop off without warning because of vacation, work, or I just don’t have anything to say.

With the exception of the people living directly next door or across the alley to me and in my house I will try to limit descriptions to initials and I will try to be vague. Sometimes I change the gender, location, martial status, sexual orientation, and in rare cases ethnicity to protect the identity of some people. I’ll admit I’m biased in my privacy policy and will name people arrested, suspected drug users/dealers, city employees, politicians and people I decided I don’t like. If you are concerned about what I post, please contact me.

Who am I?
Short: I am your neighbor.
Long: I am a single 30something African American homeowner, federal worker and 5 year resident of Shaw. I began In Shaw.com when I saw there was little in the way of information about the Truxton Circle area of Shaw. Silly me thought I could provide some information. So far the best I can do is post by biased opinions. Oh well.

Lastly, thank you. Thank to all of you who read my blog. I am humbled.