All is well in Shaw

Earlier today after making a run to a friend’s house to deliver This Old House and Old House Journal between paint stripping, I saw the usual crowd of old winos and hang abouts in the park on Florida and 1st. Yet I noticed among them 3 couples hand dancing. I did walk close enough to hear that there was music.

Then on the way back from a dinner in Rockville I heard some loud music coming from around the block. Well I have nothing else to do besides go home and sleep, I ventured around the corner. Apparently, a group had formed a movie night and used the side of a building for a screen and the vacant land as the sitting area and was showing The Prince of Egypt.

See, not all that bad livin’ in the hood.


Whoever painted my house many years ago and put on ten kazillion layers of paint and didn’t let it dry properly so it alligatored, I hate you. And what’s with the grey paint? I see it everywhere on floors and steps. Just say no to grey.

Stop that banging

  The In Shaw webmistress is home sick with a nasty headache and the repair work going on in the alley sure ain’t helping. I shouldn’t call it repair. Maybe descruction. Apparently the top of the on again off again rehab house shouldn’t be there. Well it’s ugy too. 

There is a house on the 1500 block of 3rd St that has a ugly 3rd floor that juts up too, while the rest of the block has 2 stories. Ugly. I know why they do it. To add more square footage. But really it just adds to the ugly.

However there is a house on the 1600 block of 5th that has a lovely 3rd floor but it sits off from the rear, so if you are on 5th, on the street in front of the house you don’t see the 3rd floor. If you’re around that section of Shaw I recommend you take a look. Best spot is on the corner of R & 5th facing east.

No Trash Collection Today (monday)

> To: Myers, Mary (DPW)

> Subject: No Trash Collection on Monday

> Importance: High




> For Immediate Release

> Contact: Mary Myers

> July 23, 2004

> 202/671-2375




> No Trash Collection on Monday in Honor of Fallen Sanitation Worker

> DPW will follow a holiday collection schedule next week


> (Washington, DC) In honor of DPW Sanitation Crew Chief Johnny L.


> who was killed on July 16, there will be no residential trash or bulk

> trash collection on Monday, July 26, the day of his funeral. DPW


> follow a holiday trash collection schedule next week. Monday’s bulk

> collection appointments will be rescheduled. All other operations,

> including parking enforcement, booting and towing, street and alley

> cleaning, and sanitation enforcement will operate as usual.


> Once-weekly Supercan trash collection and recycling collection will

> “slide” one day for the remainder of the week, beginning Tuesday,

July 27.

> Neighborhoods that normally receive twice-weekly trash service will


> their first collection slide one day, with normal collections on


> and Friday.


> Mr. Harrison’s funeral will be held Monday, July 26 at 11 am at the


> Temple on 609 Maryland Avenue, NE.



Charitable Happy Hour

Join Solidarity DC for another rockin’ happy hour!

Help DC youth develop community organizing skills for economic,

environmental, and social change!


Shaw EcoVillage Benefit

Tuesday, July 27th, 6pm

Mackey’s Public House

1823 L St Northwest, Washington DC

Solidarity Drink Specials All Night!

Musical Entertainment!

$5+ suggested donation (no one turned away)

View or print the flier here:


SEV trains youth to be catalysts for sustainable

change in Washington, DC’s urban neighborhoods.

SEV has two main programs, EcoDesign Corps

and Chain Reaction. To learn more, check


Solidarity DC is a new group committed to bringing

the DC metropolitan area’s progressive community

together to have fun and achieve justice, one

Happy Hour at a time! This will be our 4th Happy

Hour. Sign up for email updates at

Sponsored by Solidarity DC and Shaw EcoVillage.

To learn more or to help out, contact Michael


Renters charged too much

Okay anyone who reads this knows my occassional rant about realtors on crack. Well I was looking at the houses for sale in my hood and noticed this beauty on the 1700 block of 4th St. 1700 block is the block I don’t like walking through but I’ll ride down hill very fast through. Anyway read the following:

“First open sunday 2-4. Please stop by this renovated town home in shaw with 4 brs, 2.5 bths, fireplace, hardwoods, w/d, cute front yard and fenced back, all just 4 blocks to the metro. Currently rented for $2400 a month, this home makes a great rental or that place to call your own. Tenants move 8/31/04. Decorated in cool pastels, this home really shows well and offers so many possibilities”

$2400 for rent! Okay, my bad math skills tell me that works out to $600 per room. Reasonable price for say, 2 blocks over. But for the block *with* the crackheads AND dealers. A bit much.

Note that it is in one of those thin townhomes, you ain’t getting much for your $2400.

Also I remember looking at the house across the street when it was for sale, it was reasonable size. Compare to the little red dot house, smaller. @ $350K, I guess the price for a buyer/ non-future landlord it’s ok.

Someone hates Tony Williams

The route to the metro in Shaw is littered with the signs of discontent. Literally littered. Last I looked there is part of the poster to impeach/recall (I forget) laying on the corner of R and 6th. They are all up and down the non-white non-Logan Circle part of Shaw. They are black, white and red signs calling for the removal of the world’s least charismatic politician, really, dead people are more exciting than Tony.

Walking with my neighbor, he wondered if the people responsible for the signs want to go back to the way things were with high crime and the control board. Playing a weak devil’s advocate I mentioned how, at least in Ward 8, the same Ward former Mayor for Life Barry has a chance to get on the council, people are not happy with Williams. Under Williams the city has become more unaffordable. I have heard the other side’s argument and I feel for them, I don’t agree and think the fight may be quixtoxic, but I feel for them.

For those of you who don’t know the story, Tony Williams came to DC during the 2nd reign of Marion “the bitch set me up” Barry (aka Mayor for Life) to get the city’s finances in order. It got so bad that there was a Control Board dictating to the city how it could spend it’s money and what it could do, as money and programs were both interrelated. Well Tony saved the day. Marion, suprisingly decided to not run for another umteenth term and Tony was urged to run, which he did and won. Unlike the previous Mayor, Tony was not warm and friendly, he was an accountant. Tony does not pretend to feel your pain, nor look remotely interested in you. No Tony is a facts and figures man, the kind of man business people and developers like; the kind of man that turns the older Black residents off. Oh one small thing, Tony is Black. Yes, someone may have revoked his “black-enough” card, but according to the adoption papers his mom got, he is in fact Black, no matter what the folks in Ward 8 say.

Under the rule of Mayor Tony Williams the Control Board went away, the overlords in Congress gave the city a tad bit more respect, and the city began attracting capital. Unfortunately, fortunately, depending on who you are, the capital included the gentrifacting development kind. Parts of the city people wouldn’t bother with were getting facelifts and rent increases, yadda, yadda, yadda- gentrified Shaw. So I’m gathering parts of the city undergoing gentrification where there is still a sizable African American population will see tons of these signs, as the message is more welcomed there.

The half ripped sign laying on the corner of 6th and R Sts. is also a sign of where the borders of where message might not be welcomed.

Jim Berry RAWKS! & Shout outs

Jim Berry is the ANC commissioner for the single member district of 5C01 region of 5C of Ward 5. And really you couldn’t pay me enough money to do what this man does. Really, not even a billion dollars.  Apparently many in 5C01 feel that way because according to my neighbor, he’s not opposed in this year’s elections.  Not even a BILLION dollars. Angry citizens who believe their part is just to call and complain, tons of meetings, personal life? Nope.

Yet if I were in 2C02, that would be another matter. On the other side of New Jersey Ave you have Mr. Leroy Thorpe who people either love or hate. If you are white or gay or both he is not your friend. Or even if you are new, young and middle class, he might not be your friend either as related to me by a resident who attended a neighborhood meeting where she was unwelcomed and then later had a shouting match with Mr. Thorpe in the street. He has his fans, long-time Black residents who see the new residents as invaders.

Anyways shout out to the two folks who e-mailed In Shaw. BB yes, $500K is a lot for peace house and Carola S. thanks now I will say there are 10 to 15 people who read this blog, as opposed to the 5-10 I know.

5C Meetings July 20 & Sept 7


Below please find a copy of the notice that is being circulated


the community regarding the next two meetings of ANC 5C. Please share


data with your neighbors and encourage them to attend.


Jim Berry






TELEPHONE: (202) 832-1965/1966


Monthly Meeting

Invited guests include representatives from the following





Where: Trinity



Michigan Avenue, N.E.

When: Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Time: 7:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.


Monthly Forum

Where: First New

Hope Baptist Church

1822 3rd Street,


When: Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Time: 7:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M.