I’m Booooooooooooooooooooooooored

I left a PSA (Police Service Area) community meeting early because I figured playing Civ (my addiction) would be far more interesting than hearing crime stats, listening to the same complaints and what not.

This month’s meeting talked about the switch over to the 5th District and leaving the 3rd District. That should have been interesting on it’s own, but no. The crime stats were slightly interesting. I mean I learned something new, our PSA had about 900 calls for service in the past month. Some were repeat calls.

As at every meeting, well not every, there is the one angry person. Past angry people are citizens who just heard about the meeting and come to vent about the drug dealing, the loitering, (sometimes) prostitution, abandoned cars, abandoned properties or (my fav) the crime that happened to them. Not to dump on crime victims, but just ’cause YOU finally became a victim does not mean the world suddenly jumps into action. It is sad that it takes a crime for you to finally get involved in your community. But they don’t stay invovled, they just vent and leave, never to be seen again. Tonight’s angry citizen was an angry black man who thought this give and take between the citizens and police was odd, and mentioned this several times. It was new and foreign because, as he explained, his past dealings with police have been confrontational. He finally said what brought him to the meeting, apparently he’s the manager of a residence and the warrent squad and he got into it at 6AM.

Civ was more interesting.

Easter in Shaw

I did not leave the house. At all. Saturday I did venture out. I searched for wood. I searched for white cedar. No luck.

Beyond that and beyond the dumbass ‘bama honking their horn at 4AM screaming “Mom” things were pretty quiet in Shaw.

Gentrification & Me: Article in Washington City Paper

In February 2001 I read an article that has haunted me for the longest while. I wish I had kept it, torn it out and filed in among the other things I keep regarding gentrification in Shaw. It was written by a black author about how he was moving out of the U Street area because, despite the changes, he couldn’t take it anymore. Yet the thing that struck me was what he said about our own people, demonstrating the riff between the Black middle class and the Black underclass.

“Few buppies–black upwardly mobile professionals–even look in my former neighborhood. When we get a few bucks, we rarely look to live in what we perceive to be “the ‘hood.” Instead, we generally head for the ‘burbs, particularly Prince George’s County.

Ward 1 Council member Jim Graham remarked on the changing demographics of the neighborhood at a meeting I attended along with a neighbor and vice officers last year: As property values rise, the drug dealers will be forced away, he predicted. What he meant, I surmised, was that the homes the dealers used were probably owned by poor folks and that the taxes would eventually climb too high for them. Problem solved, he probably figured.”

It is well worth the money I had to pay to retrieve it from the archives. Just to see it again.


It’s rainy.

It’s on again off again cold/warm

And the “For Sale” signs are littering Shaw.

I was sad to see the couple on NJ and Q put up their cute little house for sale. I ran into John Bratton, a Realtor who mainly does Shaw, and he said they wanted a lot for the house. He apparently suggested a price below their expectations so they have someone else. Some other houses I pretty much expected to go up for sale, just wondered how long it would take them. These are the houses that have been rehabbed, converted, cleaned up over Winter. Well I can say there is nothing under $200K in the hood. The prices are now in the neighborhood of $300K and $400K. I couldn’t afford to live here. I wonder with this price increase if the neighborhood can maintain it’s economic diversity.

4/2/2004 Admissions Deadline for Applications to McKinley Tech


The admission deadline for McKinley Technology High School is April 2,


Please share this information with friends and neighbors whose children


be entering the 9th or 10th grade this September. Additional



McKinley Technology High School will open in the fall of 2004 with 9th


10th grade students recruited from across Washington, DC. The school


offer a learning environment that is digitally enhanced to allow for

teachers and students to engage in a project based curriculum that has


rigor of a first class liberal arts education and the job skills of a

technical program.

McKinley Technology High School will provide students the opportunity


pursue an intense focus in bio/medical technology

, information technology

, and/or broadcast technology


Admission to McKinley Technology High School is by a competitive


process. The process ensures that students who enter McKinley Tech have

demonstrated sufficient academic success, social maturity and the


discipline necessary to be successful. Students from throughout the


of Columbia are invited to apply. The deadline for applying for

admission is

April 2, 2004.

The application process will ask for the following information:

* A photocopy of an official grade report from the last two years

* Attendance record for the last two years

* Recommendation forms

* An essay written by the student

* A personal interview

* A writing sample

Admissions information and applications for McKinley Technology High


are available in PDF format by clicking on the links below:

MTHS 2004-2005 Application in Adobe Acrobat (pdf) version

MTHS 2004-2005 Application Information Packet

in Adobe Acrobat



Hardcopy applications are available at the school’s temporary offices


1709 3rd Street, NE. For more information, call 202-576-8058 or email


principal at daniel.gohl@k12.dc.us.


Jim Berry


Great American Cleanup Opening Event to be held at 1st and O Stre ets, N.W.


On Thursday, April 1, 2004, the kick-off event for the Keep America

Beautiful Great American Cleanup will take place at 1st and O Streets,


commencing at 10:00 a.m. I know that this is a workday and a weekday;

hence, it is not terribly convenient for most. Nevertheless, I

encourage you

to attend and participate, if you can.


Jim Berry


Hazardous Waste Collection


Below please find important information concerning Hazardous Waste

Collection events scheduled to occur in April 2004.


Jim Berry



The DC Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold its bi-annual


hazardous waste event at two

locations on Saturday, April 3 from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Residents may bring household chemicals and other materials to the


Barron Amphitheatre parking lot at 16th and Kennedy Streets, NW or to



Branch Shopping Center parking lot at 3220 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE.


drop-off service is free and open to all District residents.

DC residents can bring items including old cleaning and gardening


small quantities of gasoline,pesticides and poisons, acids, varnish,

oil-based paints, solvents, aerosols, wood preservatives, spent

batteries of

all kinds, roofing tar, chemistry sets, automotive fluids, even


floor tiles to the collection site for environmentally safe disposal.

A professional hazardous waste contractor will remove materials

from residents’ vehicles. The materials will then be taken to an

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-approved facility for processing.

Electronics recycling, normally conducted in conjunction with the


hazardous waste collection, will instead take place at the Carter


parking lot on April 24, from 9 am – 3 pm.

Residents are asked to bring computers, cell phones,television sets,


equipment and other electronics to that special collection event.

Iems that will not be accepted during the Household Hazardous Waste

Collection Day include munitions, explosives, bulk trash, wooden TV

consoles, propane tanks, microwave ovens and other appliances, as well

as radioactive or biologically active wastes.

For more information on household hazardous waste,visit the DPW website



Nuisance & vacant properties

Here is the content of a recent fact sheet on nuisance vacant properties.

For a copy of the fact sheet, (electronic or via fax) reply to this email.

Who to contact regarding nuisance vacant or abandoned properties.

Report Vacant Homes:

1) Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs

Ø Neighborhood Stabilization Program – 442-4610

(Contacts the owner and enforces codes to ensure

that the house is brought up to standards. Also imposes fines for unkempt



2) Office of Tax & Revenue fax# 442-6691



Higher tax fines for owners of abandoned/vacant homes- 5 times the normal


3) United States Attorney’s Office/Fourth District

Report Nuisance Properties (for abatement action)

Ø Michelle McIver, 576-5255, Community Specialist

4) DC Office of Corporation Counsel (Neighborhood & Victims Services


Ø Nicholas Majett, 727-4171, Legal Counsel

5) Jose Sueiro, 671-2338, Ward One, Neighborhood Services Coordinator,

Office of the City Administrator

6) Office of the Fire Marshal (to have homes posted with unlawful entry

sticker), 727.1600



Ø Metropolitan Police Department/Fourth District/ 3-1-1

8) Yvonne Smith, MPD Community Outreach & Ward One Mayor’s Core Team

ysmith@mpdc.org ? 202.576.8227 phone

9) Operation Crackdown- Bar Association of the District of Columbia

(Volunteer Lawyers)


(202) 293-1348 opcrackdown@aol.com

In an effort to reduce crime and social disorder in the local Patrol Service

Areas (PSAs), officers of the Fourth District Substation have begun working

on the “Board Up and Lock Up” project. Vacant properties have long

contributed to quality of life issues in the District. Metropolitan Police

Department have partnered with its fellow members of the Ward One Mayor’s

Core Team to begin addressing the issues associated with vacant properties.

All vacant properties will be reported to the Department of Consumer and

Regulatory Affairs (DCRA). Officers will make sure each site has been

reported to the Office of the Fire Marshal to determine if they are eligible

for posting. Once homes are posted (though postings may be illegally

removed), officers will make arrests. This means anyone caught inside,

without official permission from the owner (i.e. making repairs) will be

immediately arrested. A hotline will be provided to neighbors, surrounding

vacant homes to report any violations. We will not tolerate vacant nuisance

properties in our neighborhood! This effort is another way officers and

neighbors can do their part to help “Take a Bite Out of Crime.”

Yvonne Smith, Community Outreach

Metropolitan Police Department

750 Park Road, NW

Washington, DC 20010

202.576.8227 phone




Friday April 16,2004 9:30 a.m. 825 North Capitol St.N.E. 4th Floor Room

4131.I chair the sub-committee on CHILD MALTREATMENT. pass the word.


Imagene B.Stewart www.houseofimagene.org

Housing and Home Ownership

Tax Assessments Public Meeting: Sposored by Councilmember Phil Mendelson’s Office

Community Meeting on Property Tax Assessments, sponsored by At-Large Councilmember Phil Mendelson’s office.

Date: Thursday March 25, 2004

Time: 7:00 PM

RE: Tax Assessments & understanding the Appeals Process

Location: Watha T. Daniel Library, 1701 8th St. NW @ RI Avenue, for residents of Shaw, LeDroit Park, and Eckington.

Questions, contact the Councilmember’s office at: 202.727.8274.