BACA meeting: Preservation and Green things

oh you know I’m showing up to this one.
Anyway, from our great leader Jim:


In addition to the folks who are coming to talk about the benefits of
historic preservation, I have invited DPW Inspector Brooks and Raman
Bhatia, from an organization known as Community Greens, to make remarks
I’m sure you all know who Inspector Brooks is, but you may not have
heard of Community Greens. Specifically, Community Greens is a partnership
between Ashoka: Innovators for the Public and The National Trust for
Historic Preservation. Their work is supported by the Fannie Mae
Foundation, Graham Foundation, and the Kodak American Greenways Awards. They
received initial seed funding from HUD. The mission of Community Greens is to
catalyze the development of shared green spaces inside residential
blocks in cities across the United States. At this point, thery are trying to
focus on neighborhoods across the country that have limited access to
quality green spaces.
Hope to see you tomorrow!
Jim Berry




Guest Speakers Include:
Rebecca Miller
DC Preservation League


Patsy Fletcher
Outreach Coordinator
DC Office of Planning
Historic Preservation Office

Monday, April 4, 2005
Mount Sinai Baptist Church
3rd and Q Streets, N.W.
Rooms 1 and 2
7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.



Forestry Grant Writing Workshop:

The Urban Forestry Administration (UFA) in the District Department of
Transportation (DDOT) offers competitive matching grants from $1,000 to
$10,000 for community re-greening projects that increase and improve
the District’s urban forest while DC residents learn more about and take
ownership of the trees in their urban environment. These Green Grants
are offered to local government units and schools, 501(c) 3 non-profit
organizations or other local community tree volunteer groups. Projects
must be located within Washington, DC and require a 1-1 match from
non-federal funding sources.
To assist potential applicants, UFA is holding a proposal writing
workshop Saturday, April 9th at the Reeves Center 6th Floor Conference Room,
2000 14th Street NW from 9am to 2pm. Interested persons should RSVP by
calling Toni Jefferson, 202-671-5133.
Applicants must submit a complete application package to the Urban
Forestry Administration by May 31st, 2005.
UFA is the local government entity responsible for managing the
District’s street trees. UFA works in close cooperation with its federal partner,
the USDA Forest Service (USFS), to raise the level of understanding and
awareness regarding urban and community forestry within the District of
Columbia. Since the early 1990s, UFA has received both technical and
financial assistance from USFS to fund the DC Green Grants Program.
For further details on the Green Grants Program and application
requirements, visit UFA online at,a,1293,q,575536,ufaNav_GID,1631,ufaNav,|3269


E-cycling Collection Events:

On Saturday, April 23, 2005 and again on Saturday, May 14, 2005, from
9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., Washington, DC residents may dispose of
electronic items at Carter Barron Amphitheater Parking Lot, 16th and Kennedy
Streets, W. Items that will be collected for recycling are (1) computers; (2)
consumer batteries (dry cell); (3) electronics; (4) cell phones; (5)
inkjet, laser, & copier cartridges; and (6) foam packaging. These evens are
being sponsored by the DC Office of the Clean City, Washington, DC Recycles,
the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, The George Washington
University, DELL, US Department of Justice UNICOR Federal Prison
Industries, Inc., Rethink, Reduce, Reuse (and then Recycle); Whole Foods; and the
Association for Quality Education, Inc. For more information call
645-8245 or (202) 727-1000.


Household Hazardous Waste Collection Day:

On Saturday, May 14, 2005, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., Washington,
DC residents may dispose of household hazardous waste items at Carter
Barron Amphitheater Parking Lot, 16th and Kennedy Streets, W. Items that will
be collected for recycling are: (1) acids; (2) aerosols; (3) antifreeze;
(4) asbestos tile; (5) batteries; (6) cleaning chemicals; (7) drain
openers; (8a) furniture stripper; (9) ink; (10) varnish; lawn and garden
chemicals; (12) fertilizer; (13) lighter fluid; (14) mercury themometers; (15)
moth balls; (16) motor oil; (17) paint; (18) pesticides and poisons; (19
roofing tar; (20) solvents/thinners; (21) transmission, windshield wiper and
brake fluids; (22) wood preservatives; and (23) your old green or maroon
recycling bin. This event is being sponsored by the DC Department of Public
For more information call (202) 727-1000.

Homeownership and the single girl

I had some friends over for dinner, themed as the meeting of lapsed and current comic book geeks. It was boy, girl, boy, girl, with a difference being the girls were property owners and the guys were renters. Anyway we’re talking about various things comic and non-comic related and Nora and I get to chatting about home repair things like sanding. The guys start zoning out a bit. We’re talking power tools, POWER TOOLS! And the guys are zoning out, what’s wrong with them? On other tangents of home repair, stuff breaking down, and such the guys start getting smug. Ha, ha! We don’t have to deal with that nah nanny nah nah.
There are a lot of things that are a joy and a frustration with being single and owning a home. Then throw on the being female part and it adds another layer. First off, there is only one income and one person dealing with the repairs, maintenance and improvements. Sometimes you can get your friends to chip in their labor for the price of tasty beverages and snacks, but for the bulk it is all on you. A plus of being single, is I don’t have to compromise on what it is I want. I can paint the house whatever color I desire and any other improvements are limited only by my finances. Being female is problem when it comes to dealing with some tradesmen. I don’t like being talked down to and I don’t like dumb assumptions about what I want because I’m a woman. Also the weak girly arms and the lousy upper body strength in general is annoying when taking on some household tasks, like hanging drywall. I mean, I could do it, but I tire out easy.
I know I’m not a freak of nature, as about 1/2 of single women are homeowners. I mean once I figured I was going to stay in the DC metro area for a length of time, it just made sense to buy something, after several years of renting.
I remember a male colleague (a renter who I might say earned 2x more than me) asking me about my decision to buy in relation to a guy I was dating at the time. My answer was “what about him?” I didn’t see a ring on my finger, so whomever I was dating had no relationship to my homebuying wants or needs. Over dinner with the comic book geeks, we girls tried to explain to the guys, that should Mr. Right come along, we ain’t moving. We do like our houses, they fit very well into our lives, and unless he has something that is amazingly better than our homes (which we put in hours and days of sweat equity in), we ain’t moving. He’ll have to rent out his property. Besides, most of the (datable) guys we know are renters. Course, I’m willing to move for a house closer to the metro, a Mercedes, swimming pool and room for a pony.
Going back to another point, being the only income for this household, and being the only one in the household, a household of one, impacted what I could buy and where I could live. I could rent a better location, closer to the metro but buying, even before the crack fueled crazed housing prices was hard. I didn’t make that much, entry level professional’s salary and qualified for some housing programs, but even with that, there just wasn’t a lot in my price range, especially for a fee simple (not a condo) house. Almost everything I saw needed work. From the research I did, I knew what metro-able neighborhoods I could afford. Logan, no. U-Street, maybe something falling down. Columbia Heights, only east of 11th, maybe. LeDroit, eastside of 2nd. Now, as a single homeowner the problem is with inaccessible equity I can’t tap into because of the single income. The notion of ‘safe’ was another issue, as a single woman, I had to play around with. I mapped out Shaw according to my comfort level, coloring streets and blocks by my willingness to walk down them. Do I worry when coming home at night? Depends. If I am feeling unsure, I take a cab or grab a 90something bus from U Street.
With the current housing prices I don’t know if a single woman can buy a house in Shaw. She’s got to be making a lot of money if she can buy because even shells are going for well over 200K. There are condos coming up, but throw on condo fees and that’s a big monthly payment. I don’t know if the streets are safer or if I’ve gotten more comfortable. The gangs of kids are more annoying than scary.


Not the ones that serve beer.
The ones on your windows. I know, a lot less fun.
As far as security systems go, if they are already on the windows and doors when you move in they are fairly cheap and require no monthly maintenance fee. However they might lead to your death if there is a fire and there is no way to open them up. And in some cases they are just plain ugly.
Bars on the windows are not just a Shaw thing. I’ve noticed some in Georgetown and Dupont. Those bars sometimes only go halfway up the window or are on all the basement windows and doors. And they are not on every house and some seem more like decoration than an anti-theft device.
Yet once you have them it seems like a tough idea to get rid of them. I’ve only noticed two people to undo their bars. One was when a neighbor got a new window and just didn’t put the bars back up. Another got a new storm door, replacing the bars with a glass door. At some point, in the future, when I replace all these cheap section 8 windows on my house, I’ll have to consider putting back the bars. I want to be able to escape should a fire break out, but I don’t want to be one of the few houses without bars.

Last Thai-Xing post

Fast food it is not. Good food it is.
Finally got to try the pad thai. It had peanuts, a lime wedge, good looking bean spouts, a decent amount of heat, and broccoli…. is broccoli supposed to be in there? Regardless it was good. I’ve chatting with a few friends and neighbors about their opinions of Thai-Xing and it varies but most like it. The biggest problem is related to staffing, which slows down how fast the food is made. As the place is about a month or so old I’m sure in time steady staff can be found so that delivery is available always and a faster rhythm is found. I’m just happy they are here.
I’m also pleased to see that only after a month they seem fairly popular as I have occasionally seen small crowds wandering out of the small space. Hopefully this bodes well for the future of this small carryout and the neighborhood.

To see the posting with the menu and earlier impressions click here.

Don’t cry

oh dear

I know
I know

give me your hand

now look me in the eye ‘cause there is no easy way to say this…..

Yes, you paid several hundred of thousands of dollars for a small house in Shaw and there are crackheads hanging out on your porch…

no, no, dear
don’t speak

Yes, your real estate agent lied to you. Said the area is cleaning up and that the liquor store was closing and the bums would follow. Yes. Lies. Maybe, one day the liquor store will go, but not tomorrow, maybe not next year. Then again, one day it might stock a really good wine. Right next to the Thunderbird.

You feel cheated, yes, I know.
All your friends back at the office don’t have to hear gunshots at night.

But listen to me.
no listen
You go back to work with your head held high and you proudly tell those weak lily livered suburban wusses that you live in da hood. You are strong and brave. They wouldn’t last 10 seconds walking down your street. Upon seeing one of Shaw’s surly looking teenagers they’d run with their tails between their legs crying for their mommies.

There did I see a smile?
A little itty bitty smile?


Now I want you to go home and make your plot your image of how Shaw should be.
From the alley to the sidewalk, make it yours, all yours, and let no one make you feel like you don’t belong.

Eckington you wuz wobbed

So I’m looking at the Washington Post’s TV magazine and looking at the description of the PBS documentary “Let the Church Say Amen” and they are describing a Shaw church in the film and they say where it was. One problem, the 1700 block of 1st St NW ain’t in Shaw, it’s in Eckington/Bloomingdale. I am amazed the Post didn’t pick up on this error. Apparently the film does speak a little it about the Shaw neighborhood, but really, as the main church is in Eckington, it is Eckington that should get the attention. But on the other hand the differences between the 1700 block of 1st (Eckington), the 1600 & 1500 blocks of 1st(Shaw) on the southern side of Florida (was Boundary) Ave. are minor.
Of course, I could be wrong and they actually look at a bunch of Shaw storefront churches, but for the record, the corner of 1st and Randoph, Eckington/Bloomingdale, but not Shaw.

Gentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 3: When it is right

When is creating an historic district right? Well in my opinion, it is right when the motives are pure, it has community support, and all the potential consequences have been addressed. And in those potential consequences address any effect, if at all on the economic, racial and age diversity of the neighborhood.
The motivation, one would hope that the suggestion of an historic district would come strictly from the desire to preserve examples of a notable architect’s work, unique architecture, or an unique cluster of properties clearly representing a notable time period or movement or event. There are those who would push for a historic district designation for other reasons apart from the desire to preserve anything. They may seek the prestige of being in an historic district, related tax credits, economic development, tourism, or other such things associated with historic districts. They would prostitute History for their own impure lustful desires instead of letting a simple uncorrupt love of History itself dictate the actions.
Note that I used the word ‘unique’ not ‘old’. In many parts of the country a property or community that is at least 50 years old can be called historic. If using that criteria, then possibly ½ of the District could be considered ‘historic’ leaving no room for current and future generations to leave their mark on the city. No, ‘unique’ separates one 100 year old DC townhome from another 100 year old DC townhome, and DC is a city filled with a lot of 50-100+ year old housing stock. There is no need to keep ALL of it, just some of it, preferably the unique ones.
Also, hopefully, by having a more stringent criteria for what qualifies as ‘historic’ will preserve the quality and integrity of the term and not inflate it’s value with inconsequential properties that erode away at the things that help the truly ‘historic’ and unique. Erosions such as abuse of tax credits or gutting of government incentives because the system is overloaded with applicants. Or when faced with a plethora, ‘historic’ options tourists, shoppers, whomever will dismiss the term and it loses its value (remember when the term gourmet, actually meant ‘gourmet’?).
Those other community desires (cache, tourism, economic development) not relating to history need to be addressed on their own, as for many there are other routes, other paths, to those ends. Maybe, even find alternatives to an historic district designation by educating homeowners and developers to value the current housing stock, or choosing specific buildings for landmark status, or focus on other neighborhood attributes for cache or economic development.
Community support, in addition to a district’s uniqueness, also makes a historic district the right thing. For one, these things should not be imposed on a neighborhood as a whole without its consent. As it is the community that monitors and polices the standards. An unsupportive community may undermine the rules, eroding at the whole purpose and the integrity of the historic district designation. Or even if remaining within the rules, violating the spirit, allowing properties to fall into decay and require their destruction, possibly losing something unique.
Another kind of community support that is needed is the one outside of a (proposed) historic district, and that is the local and federal governments and non-profits. These bodies provide support in the way of grants, loans, technical assistance programs, tax incentives, laws, zoning, enforcement, regulations, and at times acting as a gate keeper. These bodies must remain committed to the district by not gutting, abandoning or weakening the programs to the point that they undercut the support system for those living in an historic district.
Lastly, preservationists need to address what effect, if any, their actions may have on the more at risk residents, over the long term. If not acknowledged, a neighborhood could in time lose it’s economic, racial and chronological diversity, creating a homogenous community, lacking in any real diversity. Hopefully in tackling this issue, grants, programs, projects and partnerships can be developed to keep the balance and mitigate possible displacement.
When there is a clear motivation to preserve (not just prevent the non-historic) something unique, and there is support ranging from the ground up to the top, and the community has taken action to deal with the social consequences of engaging in such a venture, then this type of historic preservation is right.

Previous Gentrification and Historic Preservation Posts:
Gentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 1
Gentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 2a: This Old House vs Old House Journal
Gentrification and Historic Preservation pt 2b: This Old House (TOH) vs Old House Journal (OHJ) pt 2b
Gentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 3: When it is right

Misc Friday

I know your expecting pt 3 of Gentrification and Historic Preservation, but it needs a bit more thought in putting it together and editing things out. Saturday, it will be up sometime Saturday.
Anyway a few things. This morning woke up bright an early to haul some stuff off to Home Depot. I had been collecting the things I bought at Home Depot and never used and provided it isn’t plumbing or opened or obviously used you can return it for store credit without a receipt. So I returned a pile of various miss matched things and turned it into enough store credit to buy myself a snazzy cordless drill.
So after getting my store credit I wandered around a bit and noticed that the store has it’s garden center filled with all sorts of things. There are roots for strawberries and blueberries and daylilies, grapes, there are timers for watering systems, lotsa dirt and soil, peat moss, tons of pansies and other springy flowers.
Speaking of stores and Spring stock, IKEA has its spring stuff in too. There are patio sets cheap enough that they can get stolen from your back yard and it not be a great financial loss. It’s great. I know I’m gonna blow at least $100 bucks there this weekend.

Gentrification and Historic Preservation, pt 2a: This Old House vs Old House Journal

Gentrification and Historic Preservation: This Old House vs Old House Journal
If you’ve ever subscribed to the two magazines you might notice a difference in the two. They do have a similarity in that they have a certain appreciation for older homes, classic architecture but where they differ is in that This Old House (TOH) goes more for appearance, whereas Old House Journal (OHJ) goes for authenticity. Personally, I’m a TOH kinda gal, I like old houses and such but there is no need to turn my home into a cultural artifact. TOH, the magazine and the television show, is open to new materials, materials that give the classic look of older material like wood or slate or what have you but not the maintenance or installation problems of classic materials. OHJ, promotes keeping and maintaining original objects (windows and cornices, chimneys, etc) almost demanding a museum quality of maintenance down to the mortar between the bricks. Also TOH is more forgiving allowing builders, designers and homeowners to work with the original design or theme of the home, sort of like taking a jazz standard and adding a hip hop dance beat(I’m thinking an updated Dinah Washington Is you is or is you ain’t my baby) in the back. OHJ is straight jazz, original recording, no mixing, or redubbing.
Okay now what do these magazines have to do with gentrification and historic preservation? Well working on my earlier post about the demands of historic preservation I wanted to illustrate two levels of appreciation for older homes, one that favored and demanded by the restrictions placed by historic districts and the other that comes from a general level of appreciation that also balances the needs of day to day living and personal budgets. Can you see my bias in that sentence? The restrictive rules and regulations just make living in an historic district burdensome for those with a general level of appreciation and limited funds, pushing those folks out in favor of people with the funding and desire for authenticity.
The case is worse for low/fixed income residents who lack the money for the authentic restoration demanded, making historic preservation an elitist excerise. A Sohmer and Lang (see links below) point out, preservation “still reflects a middle class ethos that obsesses over authenticity,” an authenticity that is so focused on the material minuae that it runs ramshod over the social structures and diversity that may have made place so valuable in the first place. Truxton Circle was in the late 19th and early 20th century had a mix of professionals, government civil servants, shopkeepers, tradesmen, servants and laborers and the housing reflected that diversity of social and income levels, a diversity that exists in early 21st century Truxton would be destroyed by preservation regulations.
In this I wonder what kind of history is being preserved? Surely not any social history as historic preservation is clearly at odds with affordable homeownership. History is complex. Real history is not the disneyfied version that is usually prepackaged for tourist groups for a manufactured experience. It’s got oppression, injustice, bigotry, guilt, ugliness, inhumane poverty and many of the same problems of human vice that currently exists today in 2005. It ain’t all beautiful. But it’s the pretty shiny bits that get pulled out or a redeeming ending is slapped on so that it can be marketed to the general public turning history into a lie of omission, a skewed version. I’m sure in my old age I’ll see theme parks where kids can have their picture taken with a Crip, Blood, or MS-13 gang member, made toothless like our current view of pirates and 1940s gangsters. Is that the kind of history that is being preserved in historic districts, the clean up, super edited, the materially authenic but spirtually empty kind? The Monticello without the slaves?
Lack of room for economic diversity, and a narrow museum biased interpretation of history are just a few reasons why I hold some hostility towards some aspects of historic preservation in residental settings. Another reason? It just pisses off my inner Libertarian. I can tolerate some government regulations and restrictions but I’m not looking to add more top down restrictions to my life. I moved to this house because I wanted to avoid condos and co-ops because of their boards, and planned communities (well they are too far out but..) for their HOA restrictions, and any other body that squashes individuality. I did look at one house that I believed was in an historic district but it’s being in an historic district was one of serval reasons I didn’t want to buy it. The house in Truxton appealed to me because it was an affordable older home but with no restrictive historic district rules. I got a TOH kinda love for older homes, not a OHJ kind of love. I take issue with having the kind of windows, fencing, security bars, doors, tree box, light fixtures, steps, what I can put on those steps and roofing materials dictated to me on a basis other than standard building codes and being denied suitable building materials because they don’t fit museum-centric standards.
Okay this is getting long so I’ll do part 2, section b, later and go on about maintenance and question aspects of the benifits of taking on the historic district burden.

Beyond This Old House: Historic Preservation in Comunity Development by Rebecca Sohmer and Robert E. Lang

Models for Neighborhood Revitalization in Historic Districts by, Michael Sacks,Trinity College, Hartford, CT